Welcome to our ReadThisSeries Book Recommendations for School Leaders
VBlog Book Recommendations
We want you to be able to lead better and grow faster, and reading is one of the best strategies for you to do that. Our book recommendations by topic are not a comprehensive list of the books in our library but rather the list of books that we’ve curated, from the many titles we sample, that we think you should absolutely read. If you want more titles in any of the topics, or you want us to cover a topic that we haven’t yet, please contact us.
Don’t forget to take advantage of our book giveaways as well.
Read This: Two Books that School Leaders Must Read to Better Support New Teachers
If You’re Going to Lead then You Must Read Learning and growing as a school leader through reflection, training, and experience is a professional...
Read This: Two Books that School Leaders Must Read to Be More Courageous and Future Forward
Leaders are Readers Learning and growing as a school leader through reflection, training, and experience is a professional choice. One powerful way...
Great School Leaders Find Opportunity in Crisis
Leaders are Readers Learning and growing as a school leader through reflection, training, and experience is a professional choice. One powerful way...
Unlocking Innovation: Two Must Reads for School Leaders
Great School Leaders are Avid Readers Learning and growing as a school leader through reflection, training, and experience is a professional choice....
Two Great Books that Every School Leader Must Read to Build a Culture of Growth in Their School
Great School Leaders are Avid Readers Learning and growing as a school leader through reflection, training, and experience is a professional choice....
Looking to Improve Performance In A Supportive School Culture? Here Are Two Books that Every School Leader Must Read
Great School Leaders are Avid Readers Learning and growing as a school leader through reflection, training, and experience is a professional choice....
Two Books that Every School Leader Must Read To Rethink Accountability and Student Achievement in Schools
Great School Leaders are Avid Readers Learning and growing as a school leader through reflection, training, and experience is a professional...
Speed of Trust: The Single Most Important Book for School Leaders
Learning and growing as a school leader through reflection, training, and experience is a professional choice. One powerful way to improve is...
Two Books You Must Read To Reclaim Your Purpose–It’s Easy If You Do It Right
Join us as we review the 2 books we recommend this September: The Formative Five: Fostering Grit, Empathy, and Other Success Skills Every Student Needs and Improving Every Lesson Plan with SEL. Catch this exclusive #ReadThis vlog review from TSH302.
We hope you enjoy our selections for our #readthisseries. We believe that Seneca said it best about sharing knowledge.
“Nothing will ever please me, no matter how excellent or beneficial, if I must retain the knowledge of it to myself. And if wisdom were given to me under the express condition that it must be kept hidden and not uttered, I should refuse it. No good thing is pleasant to possess, without friends to share it. I shall therefore send to you the actual books; and in order that you may not waste time in searching here and there for profitable topics, I shall mark certain passages [and selections], so that you can turn at once to those which I approve and admire.”
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