The Power of School Culture w/ Guest Jimmy Casas

The Power of School Culture w/ Guest Jimmy Casas

Jimmy Casas Joins FocusED for a Conversation about School Culture

This is Season 1, Episode 7 of FocusED, and it features guest, Jimmy Casas. It was originally recorded live for a studio audience in Delaware, provided as a professional development experience for Delaware teachers and leaders. You can’t miss this episode with Jimmy Casas on the critical role that cutlure plays in the success of our schools and how school leaders are in the driver’s seat.


Jimmy Casas Brings Tons of Experience to FocusED Listeners

Jimmy is the author of four books, including What Connected Educators do Differently, Start. Right. Now. – Teach and Lead for Excellence, the best-selling book, Culturize – Every Student. Every Day. Whatever It Takes, and his latest release, Handle with Care.

Jimmy currently serves on the Professional Development Faculty for NASSP and also serves as Principal Advisor for Future Ready Schools, a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education.

Jimmy served fourteen years as an award-winning Principal at Bettendorf High School in Iowa. His passion for teaching and learning coupled with a vision for developing a community of leaders procured a culture of excellence and high standards for learning amid a positive school culture for students and staff. He continues to give back to his profession by speaking and presenting for state and national organizations and school districts across the country.


Thanks for listening to FocusED, an educational leadership podcast brought to you by TheSchoolHouse302 @

FocusED is your educational leadership podcast where our mission is to dissect a particular focus for teachers and school leaders so that you can learn to lead better and grow faster in your school or district with more knowledge, better understanding, and clear direction on what to do next.

Season 1, Episode 6 of FocusED with Pedro Noguera

Season 1, Episode 6 of FocusED with Pedro Noguera

Season 1, Episode 6 of FocusED with Guest Dr. Pedro Noguera

This is Season 1, Episode 6 of FocusED, and it features guest, Dr. Pedro Noguera. It was originally recorded live for a studio audience in Delaware, provided as a professional development experience for Delaware teachers and leaders. Don’t miss what Dr. Noguera says about equity in schools and so much more. This is a must listen for all educators.


Dr. Noguera Brings Tons of Experience to FocusED Listeners

Dr. Pedro A. Noguera is the Distinguished Professor of Education at the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies and Faculty Director for the Center for the Transformation of Schools at UCLA. He is a sociologist whose scholarship and research focuses on the ways in which schools are influenced by social and economic conditions as well as by demographic trends in local, regional and global contexts. He serves on the boards of numerous national and local organizations and appears as a regular commentator on educational issues on CNN, MSNBC, National Public Radio and other national news outlets. 

Prior to joining the faculty at UCLA, he served as the Peter L. Agnew Professor of Education at New York University and the Executive Director of the Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools (2003 – 2015), the Judith K. Dimon Professor of Communities and Schools at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (2000 – 2003), and a professor at the University of California, Berkeley where he was also the Director of the Institute for the Study of Social Change (1990 – 2000). 

Dr. Noguera has published over 200 research articles on topics such as urban school reform, conditions that promote student achievement, the role of education in community development, youth violence, and race and ethnic relations in American society.  His work has appeared in multiple major research journals.  Dr. Noguera is the author of several books including: City Schools and the American Dream, Unfinished Business: Closing the Achievement Gap in Our Nation’s Schools, The Trouble With Black Boys, and Creating the Opportunity to Learn. His most recent books are Excellence Through Equity with Alan Blankstein and Race, Equity and Education with Jill Pierce and Roey Ahram.


Thanks for listening to FocusED, an educational leadership podcast brought to you by TheSchoolHouse302 @ 

FocusED is your educational leadership podcast where our mission is to dissect a particular focus for teachers and school leaders so that you can learn to lead better and grow faster in your school or district with more knowledge, better understanding, and clear direction on what to do next. 

This episode was brought to you by GhostBed, a family-owned business of sleep experts with 20+ years of experience. With 30K+ 5-star reviews, you can’t go wrong with GhostBed. Their mattresses are handcrafted, and they come with a 101-night-at-home-sleep trial. For a limited time, you can get 30% by using our code — SH302 — at checkout. And, even if you tell someone about GhostBed, you can earn a $100 referral reward. Go to today and use SH302 at checkout. 




How to Finish the School Year as a Peak Performing School Leader with Director of Technology, Amber Teamann

How to Finish the School Year as a Peak Performing School Leader with Director of Technology, Amber Teamann

Amber Teamann serves as the Director of Technology for Crandall ISD, a fast-growing district outside of Dallas, Texas. During her educational career, Amber’s comprehensive understanding of student learning has resulted in a successful blend of technology and leading. Through her campus and district level leadership, she has helped initiate instructional change district-wide, empowering teachers at all levels. 

Amber knows that we can all be better together and strives to make every day the very best it can be for each member of her staff and students. As an award-winning administrator, she has been a featured speaker in multiple states helping motivate, encourage, and help develop the capacity of teachers and leaders nationwide. Recognizing the power of social media, working with districts and campuses on finding their voice, and leveraging the power of connected educators has led her down a path she completely owes to the power of a professional learning network.

Key Thoughts from Our Interview with Amber Teamann:

Amber wastes no time diving into key strategies to stay connected with teachers and remain sensitive to the time of year and all the stresses associated with wrapping up this school year. Her wisdom will guide any listener who is looking to finish the school year strong and who wants to be mindful of the various activities that could easily send the wrong message. 

  • Listen to how Amber continually recognizes that the classroom is the most important space in every school.
  • Amber reminds us that we always have to remember that as leaders our position precedes us as people–it is our responsibility to maintain the same level of energy and enthusiasm throughout the entire year.
  • Don’t miss Amber’s third key strategy, which is focused on how not to overwhelm our staff.
  • Amber identified Angela Watson as her go-to resource for herself and her teachers.
  • There is no doubt that Amber is techie, but you don’t want to overlook her sage advice on setting boundaries with social media.
  • One of her professional goals will resonate with any district leader who is really striving to make an impact through service. 
  • Throughout this interview, Amber displayed a level of insight and wisdom. You can’t miss her testimony on how she learned the power in identifying what she doesn’t know.
  • Amber puts an end to this wonderful conversation by amplifying the concept that the smartest person in the room is the room itself.  
  • Lastly, we highly recommend her book Lead with Appreciation: Fostering a Culture of Gratitude. Stay tuned for our review on our ReadThisSeries.

Amber’s interview is filled with very specific strategies to end the year in a supportive and encouraging way, coupled with high expectations. We are grateful that she discussed her experience as a principal and those early lessons she learned that taught her how to effectively lead. It was an awesome follow-up to our latest blogpost on effective educational leadership and how to finish the school year strong.

We hope to hear from you about your favorite parts of both the blog and the interview. Please comment below. 

Please follow, like, and share. Use #onethingseries and #SH302 so that we can find you. For more great leadership content, follow

Joe & T.J.

On July 12th and 13th, we bring to you our Masterclass in Candid and Compassionate Feedback. It’s just 4 hours, 9-11AM EST, on both days. Email to reserve your seat. Also, on July 19th and 20th, we’re offering our first Masterclass in Building a Winning Team. Both days, 9-11AM EST, you’ll learn ways that you can build your reputation, tell your story, and attract top talent to your school. Email us today. 

This episode was brought to you by GhostBed, a family-owned business of sleep experts with 20+ years of experience. With 30K+ 5-star reviews, you can’t go wrong with GhostBed. Their mattresses are handcrafted, and they come with a 101-night-at-home-sleep trial. For a limited time, you can get 30% by using our code — SH302 — at checkout. And, even if you tell someone about GhostBed, you can earn a $100 referral reward. Go to today and use SH302 at checkout. 

Crossing the Classroom Innovation Divide with Corwin Best Selling Author Jenny Magiera, Global Head of Education Impact at Google

Crossing the Classroom Innovation Divide with Corwin Best Selling Author Jenny Magiera, Global Head of Education Impact at Google

Learn More About Jennie Magiera, Head of Education at Google

Jennie Magiera is the Global Head of Education Impact at Google, bestselling author of Courageous Edventures, and the founder and president of the non-profit Our Voice Alliance (whose mission is to elevate marginalized voices and perspectives to improve equity and empathy in education). Previously, she was the Chief Innovation Officer for CCSD62, the Digital Learning Coordinator for the Academy for Urban School Leadership, and a Chicago Public Schools teacher. A White House Champion for Change, Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Certified Innovator, and TEDx Speaker, Jennie works to improve education globally. 

She is also passionate about transforming professional learning, having served on the Technical Working Group for the US Department of Education’s National Educational Technology Plan, co-founding PLAYDATE and other conferences. You can follow Jennie on Twitter at @MsMagiera and pick up her book on Amazon.

Key Thoughts from Our Interview with Jennie Magiera

  • Understanding the Diffusion of Innovation Curve and how it applies to people and their adoption of innovation is profound for educational leaders who are transforming classrooms into innovation hubs. Don’t miss our discussion about Crossing the Chasm
  • You have to hear how Jennie shifted her approach as an instructional coach to enable people to see how technology can radically improve student achievement and solve their unique problems as teachers.
  • Her insight into how educators define and see themselves provides an excellent window into why change can be so difficult.
  • Listen to how she is “double clicking” on the humanity of change and who she would love to have pizza with.
  • Her time blocking suggestion is powerful for go-getters who are looking for more space in their day.
  • You can’t miss why she wants to learn Korean.
  • She articulates how she accomplishes an enormous amount in a day, yet also knows when enough has been done. 
  • Don’t miss Jennie’s protractor story and how she describes that technology is a tool, only to be used for the right reasons.

One Thing Series Summary

Jennie’s interview is a powerful blend of technology and human performance. She eloquently describes that a people-first mentality is needed to successfully lead an innovation revolution in our schools. We are grateful that she discussed how she was not always an innovator but sought disruption to improve the student experience.

We hope to hear from you about your favorite parts of both the blog and the interview. Please comment below. Follow, like, and share.

Use #onethingseries and #SH302 so that we can find you. For more great leadership content, follow

Joe & T.J. 

This episode was brought to you by GhostBed, a family-owned business of sleep experts with 20+ years of experience. With 30K+ 5-star reviews, you can’t go wrong with GhostBed. Their mattresses are handcrafted, and they come with a 101-night-at-home-sleep trial. For a limited time, you can get 30% by using our code — SH302 — at checkout. And, even if you tell someone about GhostBed, you can earn a $100 referral reward. Go to today and use SH302 at checkout. 

Dr. Sanee Bell Discusses Being Excellent On Purpose in Educational Leadership — FocusED

Dr. Sanee Bell Discusses Being Excellent On Purpose in Educational Leadership — FocusED

This is Season 1, Episode 5 of FocusED, and it features guest, Sanee Bell. It was originally recorded live for a studio audience in Delaware, provided as a professional development experience for Delaware teachers and leaders. Don’t miss what Sanee says about being excellent on purpose in a practical way and holding that standard as a leader. Her interaction with the audience at the end was fun and inspiring…and wait to hear the blooper after the final music fades out. Enjoy. 

Dr. Sanee Bell Brings Tons of Experience to FocusED Listeners

Dr. Sanée Bell is the principal of Morton Ranch Junior High in Katy, TX. She has served as an administrator since 2005 at both the elementary and secondary levels. Sanée was recognized as the 2015 Katy ISD Elementary Principal of the Year. 

Prior to becoming an administrator, Sanée taught middle school and high school English and also coached girls basketball. She earned her doctorate degree in Educational Leadership with an emphasis in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Houston Clear Lake. 

Sanée is passionate about authentic, purposeful learning for students and teachers, and also has a strong passion for leadership and its impact on teacher engagement, student learning, and school culture. Sanée recognizes her impact as a leader and uses her role to inspire, motivate, and empower others. 

Sanée serves as Future Ready Thought Partner on the Future Ready Schools project, and has contributed to several publications and podcasts focused on leadership and its impact on students and teachers.  

Sanée is co-author and co-editor of the Education Write Now Series, and she is featured in the book Dare to Lead authored by Brené Brown. Sanée is the author of Be Excellent on Purpose: Intentional Strategies for Impactful Leadership. Follow Sanée at and via Twitter @SaneeBell.


Thanks for listening to FocusED, an educational leadership podcast brought to you by TheSchoolHouse302 @ 

FocusED is your educational leadership podcast where our mission is to dissect a particular focus for teachers and school leaders so that you can learn to lead better and grow faster in your school or district with more knowledge, better understanding, and clear direction on what to do next. 

This episode was brought to you by GhostBed, a family-owned business of sleep experts with 20+ years of experience. With 30K+ 5-star reviews, you can’t go wrong with GhostBed. Their mattresses are handcrafted, and they come with a 101-night-at-home-sleep trial. For a limited time, you can get 30% by using our code — SH302 — at checkout. And, even if you tell someone about GhostBed, you can earn a $100 referral reward. Go to today and use SH302 at checkout. 

And, let us know if you want to join our next MasterClass on Candid and Compassionate Feedback. If you want to see real growth in your school, click here to reserve your seat or here for more information. 

Lastly, join us in the Principals’ Club, designed to take your PLN to a PLC so that we can support one another in our growth as leaders. We hope to see you there. 

Building Successful School Environments for Brown and Black Male Students with Robert Jackson

Building Successful School Environments for Brown and Black Male Students with Robert Jackson

Robert Jackson Brings a Ton of Experience to Our OneThingSeries

Robert Jackson began his teaching career almost 25 years ago in Indianapolis Public Schools with a No More Excuses teaching approach with all of his students after being cut from the NFL Minnesota Vikings. As an educator, he didn’t allow his students to feel sorry for themselves or let their circumstances define their futures. He set high expectations for his students and expected them all to do well. Those same students went from low performing to successful Pastors, Lawyers, School Administrators, Teachers, Pharmaceutical Sales Reps, Business Owners, Pro Athletes, Entertainers and more.

He has become one of the most sought-after speakers in the country, delivering keynote addresses and workshops to educators and administrators at national conferences, parents and student workshops, corporate events and churches. He has delivered 100’s of presentations and has become an expert in teaching cultural diversity, restorative practices, socio emotional learning, working with students who have experienced trauma and how to educate Black and Latino males. His goal is to teach educators and administrators how to use their power more effectively to Educate, Activate and Motivate all Students to be Successes.

Mr. Jackson has written and published 6 books and has written articles for ASCD EL Leadership Magazine. His new book, Becoming the Educator They Need: Strategies, Mindsets, and Beliefs for Supporting Male Black and Latino Students just won the Gold Excel Award for Technical Writing in July 2020. His “No More Excuses” Curriculum has been featured in publications nationally and is being used in K-12 Schools, Colleges and Universities in the US and Canada. His books include, Black Men Stand Up, A Boys Guide to Manhood, A Young Woman’s Guide to Womanhood, Put a Stop to Bullying, and Solutions to Educating Black and Latino Males.

He is married to Essence Best Selling Author, Tajuana “TJ” Butler-Jackson and they have 3 children and 1 grandson.

His motto is: “For Every Problem, there is a Solution.”

Key Thoughts from Our Interview with Robert Jackson

Robert Jackson delivers a powerful message, packed with clear strategies that every school administrator and teacher should know and do. 

  • Robert emphasized the need to simply ask students questions and talk to them about their lives. He suggests a simple survey to get keen insights. “Equip them by asking them.”
  • Listen to the distinction he makes between empathy and feeling sorry for a student. He went deep into the data and illuminated the disparities in school discipline practices, particularly between objective and subjective offenses.  
  • You have to hear what no one ever asked him about. 
  • Robert delved into the importance of self-care and what we should do every day, from getting rest to prayer.
  • His line, “I’m wearing my life on my face,” will cause you to think and consider how you perceive individual students and certain situations. 
  • Robert describes how his pastor, Creflo Dollar, impacts him as a person. He also lists a few very influential leaders, athletes, and activists from the past who he listens to online to help him grow as a person and a leader. 
  • Robert’s views on the critical importance of perspective finding to navigate relationships and circumstance is powerful.
  • Find out what he says about leadership and what it means for everyday living. 
  • Robert ends by letting us know that every story needs to be heard, even the ones that we would typically ignore. 

Mr. Jackson’s interview is filled with clear takeaways on how to grow as a person and better connect with our students in schools. He challenges us to take action and make a difference. It was a wonderful follow-up to our latest blogpost, highlighting incredible Black educators from the past and present who every educator should know. We hope to hear from you about your favorite parts of both the blog and the interview. 

Please follow, like, and comment. Use #onethingseries and #SH302 so that we can find you. For more great leadership content, follow

Joe & T.J.