Using R.E.S.T. as a Technique for Making a Needed Change

Using R.E.S.T. as a Technique for Making a Needed Change

Most leaders need more rest and rejuvenation techniques. Too many leaders who we coach tell us that they don’t get enough sleep, that their diet needs an overall, and that they can’t seem to catch up in one or more aspects of their life. Some of that is simply normal. But, a great deal of our stress and worry can be mitigated if we use strategies for making changes in life and at work.

The problem with making changes, big and small, is that we don’t often have the tools to do so. Otherwise, we would have already made the shift. Sometimes, we know what we shouldn’t do, but we have no idea what we should do as an alternative. Other times, we know what we should do, but we don’t have a system for putting it into action. If breaking and making habits were so easy, we wouldn’t see best-selling books like Atomic Habit by James Clear or Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg, PhD flying off the shelf like they do. Both are fantastic books with tons of great tools.

That’s the point. We need tools. We also need time to use the tools, and it becomes a vicious cycle if we’re not careful–no time to use the tools, no tools when we have the time, no time to find the tools to use when we have the time. The truth is that when we have the time to slow down and rest and when we have a tool to use in that space, we can make changes that will ultimately provide us with even more time. If that sounds too “meta” for you, just take a moment to realize that you need time and space to use a tool, like R.E.S.T., to make a change that will free you up to do other necessary things, like get more sleep. Let’s dive in.



Reflection can be tricky, but we often think that we’re reflecting when we aren’t. This is another aspect of making a change where we fail because just the act of reflecting on our life and work also requires a tool of some sort. The neuroscientists are clear about this. Our brains aren’t actually wired to remember things accurately or reflect on them for improvements. That’s why athletes have coaches. The good news is that there are a number of tools that you can use that you’re probably already employing.

For example, when we’re thinking about our work week and we need to find more time to complete important tasks, a great tool to use is your calendar. If you use time-blocking as a strategy, including reverse-time blocking, then you can easily review your calendar at the end of the week to reflect on the people and problems that took too much of your time and that were unanticipated. In other words, identify who and what is bogging you down and stealing un-budgeted time.


Now that you’ve identified where all of your unanticipated time is spilling away from you, you can evaluate why that continues to be the case. What is it that these people tend to need? What problems continue to surface? Of course, as a leader, you’re probably responding quite well. But, that’s not helping to alleviate your stress in not attending to important tasks or creating systems that don’t allow these problems to emerge in the first place.

In Upstream, Dan Heath argues that when we continue to put out fires downstream, we never get the chance to see what’s causing those problems upstream. Before we can think about a system for preventing problems, we have to evaluate why they’re occurring. The people and problems that you’re attending to as time-suckers have root causes. What needs are you meeting that they seemingly can’t meet for themselves?


Now that you know who and what is causing your time to slip away and you know why it keeps happening, it’s time to develop a system to prevent it. Let’s unpack an example. Let’s say that you’re arriving early to work each day so that you can catch up on email. In that block of time, schedule for email, the same few people ask you if you have a minute and then proceed to take 30 minutes to vent about unimportant work-related items. The venting might even be productive for these few people, but it isn’t for you. Nor is it necessary for you to take time to spend in this way. It doesn’t happen every day, but more than once or twice a week, using up one to two hours of your precious time.

Remember, you’re coming to work early to get some emails written and sent. That doesn’t have to happen in your office, where these folks are finding you and wasting your time. Instead, you develop a new system. You get up and get ready at the same time, but you spend your time on email at home before getting to work on time. Not only are you getting the work done that you set out to do, you’re earning hours back in the day. The “upstream” problem was that you kept showing up at the same time and space that was getting hijacked without adjusting your habit.


Even though you have a system, that doesn’t mean that it’s going to work well. You have to test it and tweak it accordingly. Using the same example, you may find that it’s noisier and more distracting at home than you thought because your spouse is making meals and getting kids off to school each day. Instead of the same venters busting in on your email strategy, you now have your young children sneaking into your home office to “see what you’re doing.” If you weren’t going to say no to the work-venters, you’re definitely not going to say no to your loved ones.

All that means is that an adjustment needs to be made. In this case, take a quick detour to a local coffee shop, find a corner table, put your earbuds in to avoid small talk, and get your important emails sent. This new routine might end up being your favorite part of the day. But it might not work either; just remember to keep adjusting until your new system is optimal for what you want to accomplish.

Using R.E.S.T. to Make a Change

R.E.S.T. is a technique that you can use to make a change, which will help you to get more time back in life and work to get more rest to make more changes. Instead of a negative cycle and downward spiral, use a tool like R.E.S.T. to reverse the circumstances. Leadership might be complex, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.



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We can’t wait to hear from you. 

Joe & T.J.


The Principal’s Playbook–Three Cs that You Need to Know: Code, Curriculum, and Community

The Principal’s Playbook–Three Cs that You Need to Know: Code, Curriculum, and Community

As you stepped out of your classroom and into administration, a startling realization probably hit you–things aren’t necessarily done in every classroom the way that you did them in yours. 

The carefully structured world you created—where every lesson was planned from bell to bell, hall passes were a must, the curriculum was faithfully followed, and parent communication was frequent—suddenly seems less universal than you thought.

Reality hit, and you quickly discovered a diverse set of classroom expectations, teaching styles, and management approaches–some better, some worse. 

Regardless, this eye-opening moment revealed that the world of education is far more varied and complex than you anticipated. 

To navigate this landscape successfully, it’s essential to ground yourself in the key tenets of the school. Every year is new. From novice to advanced administrators, it’s best practice to ground yourself in what matters most. A great place to start is with the three Cs:

  1. The Code of Conduct: Think of this as your school’s rulebook. While the code is not glamorous, its importance is undeniable. It’s not just about keeping order and discipline; it’s about creating a safe space where everyone knows what’s expected of them.
  2. The Curriculum: This is your educational goldmine. It’s not just subjects and lesson plans, but the journey you’re taking with your students. 
  3. The Community: Your school doesn’t exist in a bubble. It’s part of a larger community that includes parents, local businesses, and other stakeholders. Understanding and engaging with this community enriches your school’s offerings and support.

By focusing on these three areas, you’re anchoring yourself in the fundamental aspects of a well-rounded school. The goal is to create an environment where students can thrive, teachers can excel, and the community can get involved.


Know the Code

One of the first things handed to any school leader–new to administration, new to a school, or new to a district–is the code of conduct. Some leaders may think that the code is a secondary aspect of the work of an instructional leader, but it’s actually central to a safe and effective learning environment. 

If you can’t manage, you can’t lead. The same is true with the school climate; if you can’t get the climate right, culture goes out the window as well. 

The fact is that the code is the foundation upon which a school operates. Because it outlines the expected behaviors and standards of conduct for students, it provides a level of clarity and understanding for everyone, removing uncertainty and ambiguity. 

A well-crafted code provides a clear framework for everyone involved, promoting a positive and respectful learning environment.

As a leader, you must ensure that the code of conduct is not just a document that sits on a shelf. It should be integrated into the school culture through consistent enforcement, clear communication, and positive reinforcement. By modeling appropriate behavior yourself and holding others accountable, you can create a school where everyone feels safe, valued, and respected.

Know the Curriculum

The curriculum is the heart of education. It defines the knowledge, skills, and values that students will acquire during their time in school. A well-designed curriculum should be aligned with the needs of students, the expectations of the community, and the standards set by the district and state.

As a supervisor, you play a critical role in ensuring that the curriculum is implemented effectively. This involves providing teachers with the necessary resources, support, and professional development opportunities. It also means monitoring student progress and making adjustments as needed to ensure that all students are meeting their academic goals.

In addition to academic content, the curriculum should also address social-emotional learning, civic responsibility, health and wellness, and a variety of other elements designed to develop the whole child.  

When we work with leaders, especially new leaders, we learn quickly that unless it was the subject they taught, this is an area where administrators are the least confident. But, knowing the curriculum is critical for being able to effectively support teachers, provide them with feedback so that they can grow, and confirm that students are receiving the highest quality standards-based instruction possible. Take a look at the following quick tips for expert advice. 

Quick Tip: Don’t miss an opportunity to participate in the profession learning that teachers get regarding the curriculum and curriculum resources. Resist the urge to use that time to catch up in your office. Not only is this the space to learn more about the curriculum, your teachers will respect it. 

Quick Tip: Use professional dialogue during walkthroughs and observations, asking questions about the curriculum, pacing guides, scope-and-sequence documents, etc. Let your teachers be the experts, and take time to learn from them. Hint: You’ll be quick to pick up on the teachers who know the most and the teachers who need more professional development in this area (something makes for a great principal in the first place). 

Know the Community

The community is an integral part of a school’s success. Parents, businesses, and other stakeholders play a vital role in supporting the school’s mission and goals. By building strong relationships with the community, you can create a sense of ownership and shared responsibility for the school’s success.

Imagine one school in particular that fully harnessed the power of community. The school was known for academic excellence but had a very limited arts program with limited emphasis on arts education. The new principal, a passionate advocate for the arts, decided to transform the school’s offerings and culture. She knew that it would take a mindset shift. She initiated a community-wide art project, inviting local artists to lead workshops for students of all ages. The project culminated in a massive mural, painted on the school’s exterior, showcasing the town’s history and natural beauty. 

The mural became a source of pride for the school and the community, and the school’s arts programs began to flourish. The key for this type of successful transformation is effective communication. By fostering positive relationships with the community, keeping parents and stakeholders informed, create the necessary platform for open dialogue. This also means that school leaders must actively seek community input and feedback. By listening to the needs and concerns of the community, you can ensure that the school is responsive and making a positive impact on the lives of students and families.

The three Cs – the code, the curriculum, and the community – are essential components of effective educational leadership. By fostering a positive school culture, promoting academic excellence, and building strong relationships with the community, you can make a lasting difference in the lives of students and families.


Let us know what you think of this blog post. Find us on social media, and connect with us to make your next event a blast with a keynote or half/full day training on topics from one of our books or blogs like this one.

As always, we want to hear from you. Please hit us with a like, a follow, a comment, or a share. It helps us, and it helps other readers, like you, to find our work so that more school leaders can lead better and grow faster.

We can’t wait to hear from you. 

Joe & T.J.


Navigating the Swells: 3 Skills for Riding the Waves of Educational Leadership

Navigating the Swells: 3 Skills for Riding the Waves of Educational Leadership

It’s all about where your mind’s at. ~ Kelly Slater

In the vast ocean of educational leadership, there exists a third force that is both powerful and unpredictable: swells. Seasoned sailors know that they must successfully navigate the tumultuous waves of a rough sea that, at best, create discomfort but, at worst, can capsize any unsuspecting vessel.

Educational leaders are no different than those worthy sea captains. They must know how to deftly steer their schools through the highs and lows that come with every school day, month, and year. What’s notable about swells and important for us as leaders to remember is that they’re not caused by the local winds but rather by distant storms.

We remind leaders that in the seas of educational leadership there are three distinct causes of turmoil and distress; all three to be avoided.

Undercurrents are caused by decisions–our own and others.

Riptides come out of nowhere and wreak havoc on our plans.

Swells–the topic of this blog–are distant storms that come from afar but have devastating effects on our school community.

Reflection Question

As educational leaders, how can we anticipate and navigate the “swells” caused by distant storms, such as external pressures and systemic challenges, in order to effectively support our schools through the highs and lows of everyday life?



Riding the Wave of Artificial Intelligence

Students use AI to cheat. He understood that it was the first follower who could validate what was coming, regardless of the resistance. 

The first follower is vital because they open the door for others to follow. The dancing guy is isolated to himself and consumed by what he’s doing. But, the first follower makes a conscious decision to join, which will attract others. His confidence and, All too often, the challenges faced by organizations are caused by factors outside of the leader’s immediate control. A leader’s job is to be aware of these distant storms and to take steps to prepare for them.

Circling back to Principal Brian, he found himself in a difficult and challenging swell. As a dynamic and self-proclaimed digital administrator who often attended the National Future of Education Technology conference, he was eager to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance student learning. But, as he and his team sought to implement AI-driven tools and resources, specifically Chat GPT, he faced a variety of challenges from staff that ranged from uncertainty to fear. The staff, unfortunately, couldn’t see the positive aspects of using AI tools because they were simply concerned about rampant student cheating. 

Brian was determined to persist though because he knew the reality—Artificial Intelligence was already present in many facets of our lives and by not embracing and mastering this technology, staff and students would lose out and eventually fall behind.  

Common Uses of Artificial Intelligence

  • Speech recognition: Speech-to-text technology, like Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa, uses AI to understand and interpret human speech.
  • Recommendation systems: Companies like Netflix and Amazon use AI algorithms to recommend movies, TV shows, and products to users based on their preferences and viewing history.
  • Facial recognition: AI has been used in facial recognition technology for security and surveillance purposes, such as unlocking smartphones.
  • Medical diagnosis: AI has been used in healthcare to analyze medical images, such as X-rays and MRIs, to assist doctors in making more accurate diagnoses.


4 Easy Ways to Use Chat GPT in Schools

  1. Lesson planning: AI tools can help teachers brainstorm ideas, suggest resources, and generate sample lesson plans based on learning objectives, criteria for success, and student needs.
  2. Student feedback: AI-powered chatbots can provide personalized feedback to students on their writing or other assignments.
  3. Accessibility: AI tools can help make educational materials more accessible to students with disabilities by generating alt text for images, transcribing audio or video content, or translating materials into other languages.
  4. Professional development: AI tools can support teachers’ professional development by providing access to research, suggesting training opportunities, or facilitating collaboration and networking with other educators.

Brian and his administrative team thought long and hard on how to successfully navigate the tumultuous waters of AI integration. They recognized the benefits of enhanced personalized learning, adaptive assessment, and other innovative educational approaches that AI offers. 

He knew that if they could build a school culture that embraced this technology, both students and staff would benefit. He also knew that the students would acquire essential 21st-century skills and compete in an increasingly digital and interconnected world. Ironically, this is at the heart of almost every school vision statement in the U.S. Unfortunately, we’re just not always open to how to get there. 

As they moved forward, responsible adoption became their motto.

Realizing that AI was a swell, Brian worked hard to foresee the ebbs and flows, and the peaks and troughs of this educational challenge. As a result, he decided to face the swell head-on by using a solid but often overlooked leadership strategy: The First Follower Principle.

The First Follower Principle for School Leaders

If you’re not familiar with the First Follower: Leadership Lessons from A Shirtless Dancing Guy, click on this link before reading another word! Seriously, trust us, it’s a great video, and the rest of this blog will make a lot more sense. 

Because his implementation faced resistance, Brian recognized the importance of finding a first follower–someone on the staff who was tech-savvy and understood AI. He needed someone, one person, who marveled at its capacity and was intrigued by the future of its use in schools. Brian actively engaged those who were tech geeks and were dynamically using instructional technology in their classes. He needed just one dancer on the hill. 

From Bizarre to Cool

The first follower is critical because we often attribute the success of an idea or initiative to those who start it–the dancing guy. Yes, the dancing guy is critical, but in this scenario, Brian is just a solo dancer who is actually frightening the staff. Brian knew that he was viewed as a school leader who was blind to what was really going on in the classroom and what could happen if enthusiasm alone would bring others along until everyone was dancing.  

From One to Many

It’s never easy for someone to be the first follower; it means that they, alone, are committing to an ideal that is clearly unpopular. This is why the shirtless dancer must be clear about what they are doing. The shirtless dancer must fully embrace the idea that they could be alone for a long while before someone joins. Then, even the first follower may not immediately attract other followers. In fact, they may be scrutinized or ridiculed. Unfortunately, resistance and fear can manifest themselves in ugly ways, such as judgment and avoidance. But the dancing guy knows that a swell is looming, and the distant storm is upon us no matter what we do.  

The first follower reduces the fear and uncertainty surrounding AI by simply joining in and then sharing how they are using the tool. They make their passion public. People need certainty and reassurance, which the first follower provides. The first follower will attract others who are on the fence or who are interested but afraid. In the case of AI, there are numerous staff members who see the value but who need security. Just one more dancer and then a third and fourth make all the difference.  by the time the storm hits (the use of AI in the classroom), your whole team is already dancing (using it with ease) rather than being caught by surprise.  

From Random to Coordinated

The first follower is the spark to create the movement, but as more and more people begin to “dance,” Brian must create structure for the use of AI to be sustainable. There are still parts of the storm that are unpredictable. When it hits, Brian can afford for people to move back, stop dancing, and retreat back up the hill. It’s too easy for people to return to negativity, judgment, and what they perceive as comfort. 

Creating the Movement: Technical Tips for School Leaders

  • Frame the Movement: Create and share a clear vision with specific goals.

Tip: Remember to demonstrate how this will solve problems, not just create them.

  • Anchor the Movement: Create time and space to learn and play with AI in PLCs and professional learning.

Tip: Use the first few followers to lead the professional learning.

  • Celebrate the Movement: Create opportunities for staff to showcase and celebrate what they are doing, how they are doing it, and what they love about it. 

Tip: Develop an online space for people to share what they are doing. 

No one can avoid a swell. The ocean is fast and completely unpredictable, much like school leadership. AI is on its way. The leaders are the ones who will embrace it. And AI is only one example of a swell. The leader can see far from the bow of the ship and predict the next big storm. Brian did that with AI, and great leaders know that there’s nothing that can be done about tumultuous waters. But they can’t make the movement alone. They need first followers to join so that everyone can see the vision for the future of the school. 

Let us know what you think of this blog post. Find us on social media, and connect with us to make your next event a blast with a keynote or half/full day training on topics from one of our books or blogs like this one. 


As always, we want to hear from you. Please hit us with a like, a follow, a comment, or a share. It helps us, and it helps other readers, like you, to find our work so that more school leaders can lead better and grow faster. 

We can’t wait to hear from you. 

Joe & T.J.


Navigating Educational Riptides: 3 Strategies for School Leaders

Navigating Educational Riptides: 3 Strategies for School Leaders

Effectively navigating the high seas of leadership requires a seasoned leader who can manage high-pressure situations where quick and decisive decision-making is necessary for the well-being of their schools. The savvy and wise leader is attuned to the school and navigates the waters like a seasoned captain. As we introduced Brian in a previous post, we indicated that he was in his third year; he was learning and feeling his impact and the undercurrents of his decisions. A critical first step in becoming a great leader is knowing how big the waves are that you’re making, good or bad. Yet, not all rough seas that we experience are generated or even within the control of the leader. Worse yet, many decisions cannot even be avoided, and if you struggle against them, the situation is likely to only get worse. 

The ocean has wicked currents that are essentially channels of water that can pull a person completely into deeper, dangerous conditions. In fact, the United States Lifesaving Association estimates that the annual number of deaths due to rip currents on our nation’s beaches exceeds 100. What’s fascinating about riptides is that they are commonly found near the shoreline, where people feel safe; yet, an unknowing or unassuming beachgoer can quickly find themselves getting pulled way out into the ocean. Rip currents account for over 80% of rescues performed by surf beach lifeguards and are referred to as “drowning machines.” And interestingly, you can’t fight your way out of a riptide; you have to swim with the current until you can find an exit. Tell that to someone who feels like they’re being pulled into shark-infested waters. Yikes! 

Our goal isn’t to be overly dramatic or suggest that leaders need to walk around with life rafts. First, that would be weird, and second, a liferaft isn’t a very useful item to have in a school. But, similar to the perils of ocean riptides, the educational challenges that we encounter have the potential to be detrimental, significantly diverting a leader and a school from their intended course.

Thinking back to Brian, as he becomes more perceptive and mindful of his decisions, he must also be aware of the riptides that seemingly come out of nowhere and can completely pull him and the school in the wrong direction. Consider for a moment the narrow definitions and measures used to account for student achievement and school success that are used by most communities. Very often, it is a one-sided equation–over-emphasis on standardized testing that casually overlooks many of the successes that a school is achieving. Not only does this taint the public’s perception of the school, but with enough pressure, it can force a school to abandon certain initiatives to double down on raising test scores.  

Principal Brian was, in fact, impacted by this very scenario. He initiated a robust student-centered activity period that emphasized social and cultural awareness, which included club meetings and student government to hold various student-led events. Unfortunately, this effort was viewed as nonessential and unimpactful toward student growth, causing the school to change course. The following semester, the activity periods were turned into study periods and test-prep sessions to improve student performance on standardized assessments.

Please don’t think we’re opposed to strong performance on assessments or efforts to ensure that our students are learning each and every day. Rather, it’s the single, convenient measures used to drive agendas and over-politicized change that fail to account for some of the incredible work being done by phenomenal educators. Phew! We said it. 

The problem with Brian’s scenario is that the riptide of test score accountability pulled the school away from something that had major benefits for young people. The riptide itself was probably unavoidable, but fighting against it was. As you’ll see in the following piece, Brian should have leaned into the riptide, held onto the activity period, and stayed the course for calmer waters. 

3 Strategies for Working Through the Riptide

We’ve already said it, but it’s worth repeating: you can’t fight rip currents. In a recent blog, we mentioned the game, Name that Riptide, as a means of pinpointing the factors that pose a threat to our success this year. We identified a few that are common:

  • budget constraints
  • external community pressures
  • policy changes
  • staff shortages 
  • lack of resources

We could list more, but you get the point and could probably add a few of your own. It’s vital to understand that these issues act as riptides; we need strategies to navigate them effectively rather than trying to avoid them and allow them to take us out to sea. This is crucial because leaders can survive any given rip as long as they have tools. That said, let’s look at the best 3 ways to navigate riptides as an educational leader. 

#1 — Open Communication

We know what you’re thinking: open communication is a very common recommendation that’s become trite. That said, it’s still true and unfortunately, many leaders still get it wrong. Don’t confuse more communication with better communication. We stress effective, open communication because misinformation or, worse yet, a lack of communication are two powerful riptides that can pull people in the wrong direction. 

How to build a culture of open communication:

  • Be transparent. Transparency is about sharing relevant information with key stakeholders. This sounds easy, but many school leaders struggle with transparency because it requires vulnerability and a willingness to share challenges, mistakes, and uncertainties. The last thing a leader wants to do is reveal information that could make them appear incompetent, undermining their authority. Done skillfully, though, the leader will build trust and unite the community. Brian could have been more transparent about the activity period’s benefits, working on adding the study sessions rather than replacing the school’s initiative. 

#2 — Continuous Improvement

Too often, the negative “we’ve done that before” mentality can create serious riptides within any organization, literally dividing a staff. If we’re being totally fair, the sentiment is not completely wrong, but that’s because the problems and challenges remain the same. They’re constant. We will be the first to admit that we cannot lilypad our way out of problems by jumping from solution to solution, hoping that one will work eventually. Rather than being so focused on solving problems, what we need is a culture that reinforces expectations for better performance and goal attainment. The key to successfully navigating riptides is to make incremental gains. We should be looking for progress, not a quick escape. 

How to build a culture of continuous improvement:

  • Establish clear feedback mechanisms. This strategy also supports and reinforces open communication because it requires transparency with things like updates on progress toward established goals. If you survey a bunch of staff members, they’ll likely reveal that they are in the dark on a number of issues. We know this is not intentional from school leaders, but in order for people to consistently support efforts, they have to be in the know. Clear feedback on progress will help everyone understand and accept necessary changes and small steps toward success. Imagine the difference had Brian been clear on what the activity period was doing for kids; no one would have argued that it wasn’t helpful. 

#3 — Self-Development

This is an often overlooked strategy because so much of professional learning is geared toward the system and not the individual. Although that’s important, a self-development mindset positions you to navigate the complexities of education more effectively. The relentless dedication to self-development can become the cornerstone of transformative leadership, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and success. We ought to be strong before the riptide hits, diminishing its natural strength against our own understanding of it and the power we have to navigate it. 

How to build a culture of self-development:

  • Lead by example. It’s imperative for leaders to showcase their commitment to self-improvement through visible actions. Share success stories of your own personal growth to inspire others. Let them know what you’re reading, the webinars you’re attending, the professional learning you’re embarking on, and, most importantly, why! Human connection is powerful and no more powerful than in education. Be a connector through vulnerability and a willingness to share your journey. Brian was probably steeped in the research about student connection with school beyond academics, even what that can do for test scores. He should have been open and adamant about it. 

You can’t avoid riptides, but you can navigate them effectively. Fight against them, and you’re doomed. Understand them, provide feedback as you experience them, communicate transparently about their impact, and you’re bound to find your way back to the safety of calmer waters in no time. 


As always, we want to hear from you. Please hit us with a like, a follow, a comment, or a share. It helps us, and it helps other readers, like you, to find our work so that more school leaders can lead better and grow faster. 

We can’t wait to hear from you. 

Joe & T.J.


Mindset and Management: Two Must Reads for School Leaders Who Want to Manage the Impossible

Mindset and Management: Two Must Reads for School Leaders Who Want to Manage the Impossible

Joe and T.J. Recommend that School Leaders Read The Following Two Books



Unlocking Excellence: Read to Lead Better, Learn to Grow Faster

In this episode, Joe and T.J. introduce two books that they know will make a difference in your life as a leader. Kotler’s book is about operating in a state of flow for improved focus and productivity. Who couldn’t benefit from learning more about flow and how we can get into a flow state?  

Murphy’s book is basically a “how-to” on management. Very practical with specific suggestions to improve your skills. There are also some ideas and thoughts that will challenge your current thinking about managing people. The author is clear that many management principles simply don’t work

Why Joe and T.J. Recommend The Art of Impossible by Steven Kotler and What Makes Great Managers Great by Curtiss Murphy


T.J. kicks off by explaining that when we don’t believe something or can’t imagine accomplishing it, we are limiting ourselves. We can’t do what we don’t think is possible. 

He reminds us of Roger Bannister breaking the 4-minute mile barrier, which seemed like an impossible feat. In fact, scientists deemed it physically impossible for humans to do so. 

T.J. tells listeners how the book moves through the key concepts of peak performance: motivation, learning, creativity, and flow. 

One major feature that makes this book a critical read for leaders is that it has research and data, along with various stories, to back up the assertions that the author makes. 

T.J. calls The Art of Impossible his favorite book of 2023. Bold statement!

Joe starts by letting the audience know that What Makes Great Managers Great has stories that accompany the management principles being described. This is a great feature because, too often, when reading books that are designed to improve our skill set, we don’t necessarily understand the full context. 

This book’s table of contents is organized so that you understand precisely what management principle is going to be covered. One principle that really resonated and challenged Joe was to assume confusion is everywhere. Listen to Murphy describe that himself on our podcast episode with him

Another great facet of this book is the focus on the power of praise. Similar to what we’ve described in the past, this book emphasizes the need for the praise to be specific and focused. 

T.J.’s Reading Tip: Set specific reading goals, which are essentially learning goals. Along with your goal, develop a list of books that you want to read. Don’t leave your reading habit and growth to chance. Too many of us finish books and don’t start another one right away. With your list in hand, that won’t ever happen again. 

Let us know what you’re reading by contacting us at And don’t miss our leadership newsletter every week by subscribing to the site. 

We can’t wait to hear from you. 

Joe & T.J.

The Undercurrents of Decision-Making: A School Leader’s Guide

The Undercurrents of Decision-Making: A School Leader’s Guide

Brian has been a school principal for three years, and he finally feels that he’s finding his stride. While talking with Brian about his goals for the school year and the successes he has had to date, we found ourselves continually circling back to the various reactions that people have to certain decisions. Brian noted that his estimation of peoples’ responses was wrong at times, too often in fact. What he thought would create a major kickback recently, didn’t cause a stir, yet another decision he made, which was seemingly harmless, caused staff to panic. Perhaps, as a school leader, you can relate.

Every decision you make, big or small, creates undercurrents that ripple throughout the school community. These undercurrents can potentially have a profound impact on the staff, students, the greater school community, and, ultimately, the direction of the school.

Schools are notorious for implementing countless initiatives, all with good intentions in the name of a “need” or an “improvement.” We’ve implemented many of these initiatives ourselves–with varying degrees of success, mind you. School leaders embark on these new journeys to improve their schools, yet we find a spectrum of results, reactions, and responses to what we propose.

It’s probably not surprising, but we’ve yet to meet a school or district leader who willingly disrupts a school simply to wreak havoc on it. Yet, albeit comforting, we’ve also yet to find a school leader who didn’t have experience with the implementation of something that would help students, only to be met with despair by the staff. Despite what some would like to believe, school leaders want to improve student performance while supporting teachers, typically with the least amount of disruption possible. It just doesn’t work out that way.

Unfortunately, what is often underestimated is the scope of the initiative and the numerous decisions that will create countless undercurrents. Let’s take a look at some of the top initiatives implemented over the last couple of years. We’re sure that you could add to this list below.

• Technology Integration: Many school leaders have aggressively sought to integrate technology into the classroom with the goal of enhancing the student learning experience and improving their digital literacy skills.
• Personalized Learning: Many classrooms are very diverse and in multiple ways. Tailoring education is not just nice to do; we know that meeting individual students’ needs benefits all students.
• STEM Education: Schools are very aware of the need to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education programs to prepare students, especially students of color and female students, who are traditionally underrepresented for careers in these high-demand fields. STEM is the future of the economy.
• Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): It cannot be said enough, especially after COVID, schools know the importance of emotional intelligence and the interpersonal skills necessary for student development, alongside academic achievement.
• Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Schools have also focused heavily on creating inclusive and equitable learning environments that recognize, address, and support the diverse needs of students from various backgrounds. It’s important to note that it is the role of a school leader to confront and alter inequities, yet even these initiatives can be met with resistance.

These five areas are massive efforts and require a tremendous amount of time and expertise to get right and implement effectively. These aren’t programs or short, quick fixes, but rather holistic efforts to effectively meet the needs of our students and the demands of our communities.

Consider SEL as an example. SEL is not new, but the intentionality and focus within the curriculum and other school-wide efforts is a new approach to it. To illustrate the depth of the initiative, we’ve built TheSchoolHouse302 Initiative Chart to demonstrate how detailed and involved a particular initiative can be.



We share this chart not as a “How To” on implementing initiatives, although that’s important; instead, our focus is on the details that this provides, which reveals just how each aspect of the initiative is very involved and requires a large degree of work. If it looks a little overwhelming, it’s okay to acknowledge that an SEL initiative is a large undertaking. Underestimating the scope of an initiative is one of the most common mistakes that a new (and seasoned) leader makes.


Each of the 7 areas can be broken down into several smaller segments to detail the intricate work that needs to take place for successful implementation. Going through this exercise is powerful because it not only shapes the scope of work but, more importantly, provides a view into what the work entails and how it involves and impacts the school community. Remember, your decision to embark on any new journey is either going to have a ripple effect toward success or trigger negative ways of dissent.

Rippling Toward Success or Triggering Negative Waves of Dissent

It can’t be said enough that the decisions you make as a school leader have the power to create positive or negative undercurrents that can shape the entire school community. By being mindful of the impact of your decisions and by making choices that are in the best interests of the school, you can create a more positive and productive learning environment for everyone, even when you’re making significant changes and improvements. To do so, perception and mindfulness are two skills that school leaders must master. 

The Power of Perception

One of the most important things to remember as a school leader is that your decisions are not just about the content of the decisions themselves, but also about how they are perceived. As American political consultant and strategist Lee Atwater said, “Perception is reality.” Every decision you make sends a message to the school community about your values, priorities, and commitments to creating a positive learning environment.

For example, if you make a decision that is seen as unfair or unjust, it can create an undercurrent of skepticism and resentment among staff and students. This can make it difficult to implement other initiatives and can even lead to a decline in morale and productivity.

On the other hand, if you make decisions that are seen as thoughtful, transparent, and in the best interests of the school community, it can create an undercurrent of support and positivity, rippling out toward success. This can make it easier to implement new initiatives in the future and can foster a more collaborative and productive school environment. We can’t overstate how critical transparency and approachability are for school leaders. 

The Importance of Mindfulness

The second critical skill is mindfulness. We believe the mindful leader to be a present leader. As a school leader, it is important to be mindful of the potential impact of your decisions. This means being fully present and mindful when making decisions. Take the time to consider the different perspectives of the school community and weigh the potential consequences of your actions. It also means being open to feedback and making adjustments as needed. 

Here are some tips for being more mindful as you’re making decisions:

  • Be present: With social media, email, and other buzzing, flashing devices, school leaders can often be swept away from a conversation right at the moment. Avoid this by committing to be present when you’re gathering input or communicating a decision. There’s nothing worse than a school leader whose attention is divided. 

  • Consult with others: Get input from a variety of stakeholders, including staff, students, parents, and community members. Great leaders surround themselves with individuals who are willing to say what needs to be said and who have the perspective of the community at heart. 

  • Consider the long-term impact: Don’t just think about the immediate consequences of your decisions. We believe this is why so many educators are frustrated. For too long, leaders have made decisions for short-term wins without taking into account the long-term consequences. Considering how decisions might affect the school community in the years to come is the hallmark of a future-driven leader. Don’t miss what Donya Ball says about it

  • Be open to feedback: We know this is hard, but as Maxwell explains in his Law of Solid Ground, trust is the foundation for success; it requires a culture that expects courageous conversations and candid feedback. Be willing to listen to feedback from others and make adjustments to your plans as needed. Don’t forget, too, that one step in the implementation phase is making sure that implementers are getting feedback and taking action on it. 

As we always say, leadership is complex, but it does not have to be complicated. One powerful way to uncomplicate leadership is through effective decision-making. This involves understanding the undercurrents created by decisions–the ripple effects that extend beyond the immediate outcome toward clearer waters or waves of dissent. The use of our Initiative Implementation Chart contributes to creating positive undercurrents that foster trust and, ultimately, advance student learning and overall school success.

As always, we want to hear from you. Please hit us with a like, a follow, a comment, or a share. It helps us and it helps other readers, like you, to find our work so that more school leaders can lead better and grow faster. 


We can’t wait to hear from you. 


Joe & T.J.