Season 6, Episode 3 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with Guest Nathan Tanner

Season 6, Episode 3 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with Guest Nathan Tanner

The Unconquerable Leader with Nathan Tanner


This is Season 6, Episode 3 of FocusED, and it features our guest, Nathan Tanner; we discuss what it means to be an unconquerable leader…and so much more.


Nathan Tanner Brings a Tons of Experience to FocusED Listeners


Nathan Tanner is an executive coach who helps CEOs, founders, and high-impact leaders scale themselves and their companies. He has coached leaders at high growth startups and bellwether companies including DoorDash, Google, Autodesk, Electronic Arts, LinkedIn, Procter & Gamble, and Lyft.

Prior to becoming a full-time coach, Nathan was the vice president of people at Neighbor. Prior to Neighbor, Nathan spent half a decade at DoorDash, where he was hired as the head of HR and scaled the company from 250 to more than 5,000 employees. There, he built the company’s first leadership development program and coached more than half of the executive team. 

Prior to DoorDash, Nathan held several roles on the HR team at LinkedIn. He started his career on Wall Street at Lehman Brothers, where he had a front-row seat in the largest bankruptcy in history.

Nathan is the author of two books, Not Your Parents’ Workplace and his new book, The Unconquerable Leader. Nathan has been an advisor at Y Combinator and has written for Forbes, Inc., Fast Company and other publications. He’s an IRONMAN triathlete, holds an MBA from BYU, and was trained as an executive coach at the Co-Active Training Institute. Nathan lives with his wife and their four children in southern Utah.



FocusED Show Notes with Guest

Nathan Tanner

 Run an experiment; it may not work, but you’ll learn something from it. ~ Nathan Tanner

Nathan starts by telling us that too much of our leadership training is focused on the “external” work, such as technical skills for hiring, training, and supporting others, versus the “internal” work, including mental and emotional resilience. 

Nathan tells us a story about being stretched thin at work and how he responded. Too often, we don’t even check ourselves when the warning signs are clear. 

Nathan says that the leadership burnout can happen to anyone, especially people with the best of intentions. 

Nathan dives into the strategies for managing our emotions. He mentions four. The first is the “unsent angry letter.” 

He tells us about the “power of walking,” including the science behind it. 

Nathan does an exercise of deep breathing with all of his clients. This slows our heart rate and helps with a number of physiological benefits.

You’ll want to hear what he says about practicing gratitude. 

Character creation: 1. Identify 2-3 characters who you play in your life (husband, father, leader, brother, etc.), 2. Define how you need to show up in each of these characters, 3. Pick the times that you need to be any of these characters. 

One major challenge to the character creation strategy is shifting between them. We have to pause and intentionally make the change. 

Joe asks Nathan about how new leaders can avoid mistakes. Nathan responds by saying that consistency is the most important strategy. 

He told the story of the 49ers and how staying the course is critical, especially when you have clear principles.

Nathan tells us about how he continues to learn and grow, including his reading strategy, which is 30 books a year for the last 10 years. 

He has a “daily practice,” and he knows that when he does these practices consistently, he shows up at his best. 

In life, the challenge is not to figure out how best to play the game but rather to figure out what game you’re playing. ~ Nathan Tanner


Books We Recommend Based on this Podcast with Nathan Tanner

Clear Thinking by Shane Parrish 

The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday 


Thanks for listening to FocusED, an educational leadership podcast brought to you by TheSchoolHouse302 @ where we publish free leadership content. Go to the site and subscribe, and you’ll get all of our content sent directly to your email. 


FocusED is your educational leadership podcast where our mission is to dissect a particular focus for teachers and school leaders so that you can learn to lead better and grow faster in your school or district. Let us know who you would like to hear from next. 

Season 6, Episode 2 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with Guest Lauren Kaufman

Season 6, Episode 2 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with Guest Lauren Kaufman

The Leader Inside with Lauren Kaufman


This is Season 6, Episode 2 of FocusED, and it features our guest, Lauren Kaufman; we discuss what it means to be your authentic self at work, growth strategies, the power of a mentor, great books to read…and so much more.



Lauren Kaufman Brings a Tons of Experience to FocusED Listeners


Lauren Kaufman’s passion is to empower teachers to lead and develop lifelong-literacy practices in all learners. She’s currently serving as a district leader in Long Island, NY, has served as an assistant principal, classroom teacher, elementary and middle school literacy specialist, instructional coach, and mentor coordinator. 

Lauren has led teams to develop a comprehensive approach to literacy, provided job-embedded professional learning, and leads with a coaching mindset. 

Lauren is the author of The Leader Inside: Stories of Mentorship to Inspire the Leader Within. She is passionate about sharing her learning on her own blog, through podcasts, and is a guest blogger for The Teach Better Team, Future Ready Schools, and Defined. 

Lauren is also a contributing author in various educational journals, Edutopia, Education Week, Defined, George Couros’ #BecauseOfATeacher and Lainie Rowell’s #EvolvingWithGratitude. She wholeheartedly believes in the importance of developing powerful professional learning communities and networks that foster meaningful, relevant learning and growth.



FocusED Show Notes with Guest Lauren Kaufman


Lauren tells that she was inspired to write the book, The Leader Inside, because of her journey and the people who mentored her along the way, including her parents who were teachers and a special teacher who she names on the show. 

She told us a story about how George Couros challenged her to blog and then eventually write a book. She writes to reflect on her learning, and the pieces about coaching and mentoring resonated most, which led her to the content and the title of her book. 

She hopes that the book will help people to recognize their gifts and amplify them for themselves and others.

She tells us a story about her own growth and the realization that it’s special to be able to collaborate with people and learn through interactions with others. 

Lauren calls out the importance and nobility in having a career in education. Don’t miss what she says about intentionally identifying your personal core values and then connecting them to the vision and mission of your school or district. 

Joe asked about the power of mentorship. Lauren dives into her former role as a mentor coordinator and the need for a great mentor match, especially in early-career educators. 

She reminds us about mentoring standards and professional learning networks that can both guide and support our work. 

In the mentor-mentee relationship, the mentee has a ton of value and the framing should be that both people are learning with and from one another. 

She talks about her reading habits, reading more than one book at a time, and what she calls “slow reading.” 

Lauren says that it’s the leader’s job to create structure and processes for others to lead.


Books We Recommend Based on this Podcast with Lauren Kaufman

The Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros 

The Power of Moments by Chip and Dan Heath 

Big Potential by Shawn Achor

Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess 

The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching by Jim Knight

How to Know a Person by David Brooks

The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday 

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz 

Quotes from the Podcast with Lauren Kaufman

It’s important to have partners in this work. ~ Lauren Kaufman 

Individually we shine; together we shine brighter. ~ Lauren Kaufman


Thanks for listening to FocusED, an educational leadership podcast brought to you by TheSchoolHouse302 @ where we publish free leadership content. Go to the site and subscribe, and you’ll get all of our content sent directly to your email. 


FocusED is your educational leadership podcast where our mission is to dissect a particular focus for teachers and school leaders so that you can learn to lead better and grow faster in your school or district. Let us know who you would like to hear from next. 

Season 6, Episode 1 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with Guest Jason Kennedy

Season 6, Episode 1 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with Guest Jason Kennedy



Let’s Stop Teaching with Jason Kennedy



This is Season 6, Episode 1 of FocusED, and it features our guest, Jason Kennedy; we discuss what it means to truly be an instructional leader, how to design quality learning environments, why teachers need to focus more on learning outcomes…and so much more.



Jason Kennedy Brings a Tons of Experience to FocusED Listeners


Jason Kennedy is a 24-year educator, author, school administrator, district curriculum and professional learning director, instructional coach, and presenter.

He has tons of experience at all levels of education, from elementary through college. 

He has been a part of Cognia review teams, statewide professional learning, and local curriculum design teams, making the intentional designing of instruction for learning his main goal.



FocusED Show Notes with Jason Kennedy



Jason tells us that the original book title was “Let’s Quit Teaching,” which the publisher was a bit squeamish about, so they changed it to “Let’s ‘Stop’ Teaching.” The point is that the focus should be on learning, not just teaching

He explains that shifting from teaching to learning is a bigger mindset move than one may realize because many of us, as educators, have been trained to teach… including content delivery. 

Jason says that we’re always chasing programs versus creating better designs. He explains the difference between planning and designing. 

Kennedy reminds school leaders that Tier I should be based on standards and curriculum resources, not a program. Don’t miss what he says about combining the what, the who, and how to make the best designs possible. 

School leaders will gravitate toward what he says about making a daily commitment as educators. 

We were thrilled to discuss effect sizes and highly impactful teaching strategies, including success criteria. 

Kids who don’t like their teachers, and, worse yet, kids who don’t feel like their teacher likes them, will struggle to learn. ~ Jason Kennedy 

He covers the concept of a learning design framework, which is what teachers and students should be doing throughout the instructional period. All teachers should work within a framework to incorporate high impact strategies with flexibility to make decisions. 

Don’t miss what he says about using AI to build lesson plans. 

Jason talks about what gets him excited, including working with teachers and collaborative teams. 

We loved the team names that his teachers use when the collaborate, ELA teachers calling themselves “get lit.” 

He tells us to go to Corwin for other authors and mentions John Hattie and VisibleLearning.  

We loved what he said about “intentional design choices” and what happens when kids come to school and already know the material.

Jason ends with “learning is the job.” “The second that the adults stop learning, the kids stop as well. 



Related Content from TheSchoolHouse302

Our FocusED conversation with Douglas Reeves about leading change and the “buy-in myth.” 


Thanks for listening to FocusED, an educational leadership podcast brought to you by TheSchoolHouse302 @ where we publish free leadership content. Go to the site and subscribe, and you’ll get all of our content sent directly to your email. 


FocusED is your educational leadership podcast where our mission is to dissect a particular focus for teachers and school leaders so that you can learn to lead better and grow faster in your school or district. Let us know who you would like to hear from next. 

Season 5, Episode 20 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with Guest Emily Affolter

Season 5, Episode 20 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with Guest Emily Affolter

Equity and School Culture with Emily Affolter


This is Season 5, Episode 20 of FocusED, and it features our guest, Emily Affolter; in this episode, we’re focused on what school leaders need to do to create a culture of equity.


Emily Affolter Brings a Tons of Experience to FocusED Listeners

Dr. Emily Alicia Affolter is the director of and faculty for Prescott College’s Sustainability Education Ph.D. Program

Prior to serving in this role, she worked as a Senior Research Scientist at the University of Washington’s Center for Evaluation & Research for STEM Equity (CERSE). 

Emily earned her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Multicultural Education from the University of Washington working alongside Dr. Geneva Gay, founder of culturally responsive teaching. 

Emily’s current scholarship, dissemination, and facilitation revolve around culturally responsive pedagogy for teachers and leaders in K-12 settings and STEM higher education, and harnessing equity literacy in teaching methods, content, policy, and leadership.



FocusED Show Notes with Guest Emily Affolter

Was I silent during a time when I had the currency to speak up and disrupt something? ~ Dr. Emily Affolter 

Emily starts with a quote from a book called Belonging Through a Culture of Dignity

We quickly dig into some of the indicators associated with inclusivity, including problems that stem from exclusivity. 

Don’t miss what she says about the need for transparent communication as well as formal feedback mechanisms. Feedback can be anonymous, but leaders need to hear as many voices as possible. 

Huge Question: Are leaders in the organization committed to humility in the way that they engage with systems of power? 

Emily starts from a point of curiosity regarding the content that is being taught in the classroom. She hopes to see at least 50% of the people being portrayed in the curriculum as being BIPOC and coming from the LGBTQ+ community. 

You want to hear what she says about “grit” as a core value. 

You don’t have to be the school leader who knows things, but you do have to be curious and ask questions. ~ Dr. Emily Affolter 

Emily teaches us to ask this about our schools: What are our unquestioned assumptions about our organizational culture? 

There’s a really metacognitive-style reflective practice that she describes for teachers and leaders regarding being critical about our own understanding of power (what we have inherently and what we’ve accrued in our lifetime). 

We gravitated toward what she says about teachers’ use of asset versus deficit thinking when it comes to what students know and don’t know. 

Joe asks about how our profession can catch newer teachers up to speed faster regarding some of the things that master teachers have learned over time within their careers. 

There’s no single teacher or classroom that is truly culturally responsive, period. Instead, we’re always learning and evolving. Any increment matters. 

Find out about her 7 aspects of culturally responsive teaching. 

Don’t miss what she says about “teacher transformative self-study.” 

Check out Social Justice Training Institute (SJTI)

Emily talks about the concept of “reflexivity” as a personal growth strategy. 

Emily and her colleagues are working on a book about regeneration from trauma in education. In other words, we’ve all experienced trauma in education or as learners, and how can we come.

Check out: A Decolonial Framework for Pedagogy & Practice

Books We Recommend Based on this Podcast with Emily Affolter

Emergent Strategy by Adreinne Brown

We Will Not Cancel Us by Adreinne Brown

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Our FocusED interview with Principal Kafele


Thanks for listening to FocusED, an educational leadership podcast brought to you by TheSchoolHouse302 @ where we publish free leadership content. Go to the site and subscribe, and you’ll get all of our content sent directly to your email. 


FocusED is your educational leadership podcast where our mission is to dissect a particular focus for teachers and school leaders so that you can learn to lead better and grow faster in your school or district. Let us know who you would like to hear from next. 

Season 5, Episode 19 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with Guest Amy Anderson

Season 5, Episode 19 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with Guest Amy Anderson

Disrupting the Status Quo of School Leadership with Amy Anderson


This is Season 5, Episode 19 of FocusED, and it features our guest, Amy Anderson; in this episode, we’re focused on what it means to rethink how we educate students in school systems around the world.



Amy Anderson Brings a Tons of Experience to FocusED Listeners


Amy Anderson co-founded RESCHOOL Colorado in 2013 and became the Executive Director in 2018.

Amy Anderson co-founded RESCHOOL Colorado in 2013 and became the Executive Director in 2018. Her life’s work has been to ensure that our systems of learning offer options that are responsive to the interests and needs of the families they serve, with a particular focus on families who face greater barriers to accessing opportunities.

Before that, Amy served as Associate Commissioner at the Colorado Department of Education, leading the Division of Innovation, Choice, and Engagement where she was instrumental in creating a statewide vision for personalized learning and expanded learning opportunities.

Earlier in her career, Amy led groundbreaking work in a variety of education-focused organizations, including online and blended learning initiatives at the DK Foundation, state and national education policy and school finance projects with APA Consulting, new school development for the Colorado League of Charter Schools, and working with educators to launch the nation’s first charter schools in the early ‘90s at Designs for Learning in St. Paul, MN.

Amy holds a Ph.D. and M.Ed. from the University of Colorado and a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin.




FocusED Show Notes with Guest Amy Anderson

Amy starts the conversation with the fact that we need outside partners to do the best work we can on the inside. Don’t miss what she says about the time that students spend beyond the school walls and the need to engage the community to support all learners. 

Dr. Anderson’s work is primarily with students who are typically marginalized by the system. 

Joe asks Amy to go into more detail about building the ecosystem of partnerships versus the competitiveness that can ensue when resources are scarce. 

She talks about a funding source called “LearningDollars,” which is an innovative approach for families to access money for learning providers that exist outside of the school system. 

We love the concept of “MoonShot” that she mentions–curating ideas to support learners in new and different ways. 

Amy believes that there are amazing educators who have the capacity to codesign new projects to do better for all students. She mentions a learning lab that’s doing some of that work now. 

All we need is to give our educators the time and space to innovate and they will. ~ Amy Anderson 

We talked a lot about how the education systems are not currently designed to support all learners so the need to go outside of the traditional spaces is critical. 

Joe mentions a project in his own district where students are working to rebuild their own community through the use of their trade knowledge and credentials that they earned in school. 

Amy explains some of her background during the onset of the charter school movement, which started with her involvement with housing efforts for refugee students. 

We don’t have to accept the system the way it is. ~ Amy Anderson 

Amy talks about what she reads and the people she follows to continue her own development. One book in particular is Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux. 

She follows Clay Christensen’s work regarding disruptive leadership

She mentions the work of Big Picture Learning. Check it out. 

Amy ends the conversation with work that’s needed at the policy level in states around the country. She talked about getting a nugget of an idea on a ballot but that this type of thing is a learning experience and that power can come from a small group of people. 

Call to Action: Look to adjacent organizations to be able to take the load off of schools and expand opportunities for all students. 

Check out resources on the RESchool website. 

Related Content from TheSchoolHouse302

Our FocusED interview with Dr. Doug Reeves


Thanks for listening to FocusED, an educational leadership podcast brought to you by TheSchoolHouse302 @ where we publish free leadership content. Go to the site and subscribe, and you’ll get all of our content sent directly to your email. 


FocusED is your educational leadership podcast where our mission is to dissect a particular focus for teachers and school leaders so that you can learn to lead better and grow faster in your school or district. Let us know who you would like to hear from next. 

Season 5, Episode 18 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with Guest Minette Norman

Season 5, Episode 18 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with Guest Minette Norman



Becoming an Inclusive Leader with Minette Norman



This is Season 5, Episode 18 of FocusED, and it features our guest, Minette Norman; in this episode, we’re focused on what it means to be an inclusive leader and how leaders can learn to create psychological safety for the people they seek to serve.



Minette Norman Brings a Tons of Experience to FocusED Listeners


Minette Norman is an award-winning author, speaker, leadership consultant, and former Silicon Valley software executive who spent decades leading global teams.

Minette knows that when groups embrace diversity in all its forms, breakthroughs emerge, and innovation accelerates. Her most recent position before starting her consultancy was as Vice President of Engineering Practice at Autodesk. Responsible for influencing more than 3,500 engineers around the globe, she focused on state-of-the-art engineering practices while nurturing a collaborative and inclusive culture.

As the author of The Boldly Inclusive Leader and the co-author of The Psychological Safety Playbook, Minette is committed to helping leaders unleash the full potential of the people in their organizations.

Named in 2017 as one of the “Most Influential Women in Bay Area Business” by the San Francisco Business Times and as “Business Role Model of the Year” in the 2018 Women in IT/Silicon Valley Awards, Minette is a recognized leader with a unique perspective.

Minette holds degrees in Drama and French from Tufts University and studied at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris.






FocusED Show Notes with Guest Minette Norman


When you retreat from discomfort, your learning stops. ~ Minette Norman

Minette starts by defining psychological safety. One key aspect is the ability to ask poignant questions and make critical comments without fear.  

She mentioned the work of Amy Edmonson. When people feel psychological safety, they perform better at work. 

Minette tells us that people do their best work when they feel that their voice is heard. 

She tells us that leaders have to start with their own behaviors. 

No matter how high up you are in the organization, a question that anyone can ask is “what am I missing?” We can’t assume that people will tell us what’s wrong or what we don’t see. 

When people start telling us their perspective, we have to deliberately listen to understand versus listening to respond. 

We’re cautioned not to be defensive as leaders because it diminishes psychological safety and, therefore, an open culture. 

Minette tells us about a research study that reveals that employees want leaders who are empathetic. 

We talked about empathy as a skill and the need to connect with people who aren’t like us. 

Minette says that “the only way to grow as a leader is to become uncomfortable.” We have to be learners first. She tells us about times where she worked in cultures where she didn’t really understand the environment…yet.  

Minette tells us a great story about leading engineers, all men, and not having been trained as an engineer. 

We talked about daily habits, and Minette talked about doing something physical every day, even when she’s busy. She also describes the power of not getting backlogged and overwhelmed. 

Minette ended with the power of self-awareness. Even if you’re not a leader, you still have an impact on the people around you. 



Books/Resources We Recommend Based on this Podcast with Minette Norman

The Fearless Organization by Amy Edmondson 

The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday 

Tell Me More About That by Rob Volpe

Radical Collaboration by James Tamm and Ronald Luyet 

Lean In Report on Women in the Workplace 


Related Content from TheSchoolHouse302

Our FocusED Interview with Todd Kashdan


Thanks for listening to FocusED, an educational leadership podcast brought to you by TheSchoolHouse302 @ where we publish free leadership content. Go to the site and subscribe, and you’ll get all of our content sent directly to your email. 


FocusED is your educational leadership podcast where our mission is to dissect a particular focus for teachers and school leaders so that you can learn to lead better and grow faster in your school or district. Let us know who you would like to hear from next.