#review&reflect: Daily Habits Lead to Long Term Success

by | Jun 24, 2018 | 1 comment

6 min read

Daily Habits Review Image

This is TheSchoolHouse302 monthly #review&reflect, wrapping up our focus on Daily Habits that lead to long term success for leaders.

Skills I need…

Habits, good or bad, we all have them. The question is, what two or three bad habits do you need to eliminate that are preventing you from being successful?

Review: This month we focused on daily habits within four buckets that will lead to greater results and ultimately a better chance of success. Although each area can be viewed independently, their true strength is how they are woven together within an individual’s daily routine, leading to incredible results. Having specific daily habits is a powerful way to set you up for success, and although habits are common, we don’t tend to analyze our habits to ensure that they are reinforcing the behaviors that set us up for an optimal day.

The model is straightforward and is designed to lead you through an understanding of how to develop a mindset that recognizes the simple equation that a positive attitude + productive behaviors = effective daily habits. The first area is to Gain Clarity. Too often we are overwhelmed with information, events, and massive to-do lists that we work on auto-pilot, just checking things off and getting through our day. To be most effective, though, you need to create space in your day to think clearly. We propose that you specifically schedule a physical activity to actually clear your mind. Get away from the mental grind by going for a walk or run. The second critical area is Strategic Growth. When you are first learning, and really a novice in an area, general topical information is fine, since everything is relevant and adds to your foundational knowledge and understanding. But to truly grow as an expert and become world-class within a particular area, you have to be very specific on what needs to be learned, including the use of the very best resources to help you learn the information, which leads to strategic growth. Our third area is Sustain Health. The simple reality is that if you don’t feel your best, you cannot be your best. We advocate for a lifestyle that eliminates as much artificial ingredients as possible and thrives on organic whole foods. The key is to discover what fuels you and makes you feel your best to achieve your goals. Take time to learn your body and how it responds to certain foods. Lastly, we believe in Self-Reflection. This is a critical area because it is about discovering yourself. We advocate for daily journaling to explore all facets of your day and how you responded to the events throughout it. We don’t believe this should be complicated, cumbersome, or long. Rather, it should be natural, honest, and raw. We spend so much time looking outside for ways to improve when most often we need to look within ourselves. For success in the development of the critical daily habits that lead to success, use these four areas to maximize results.

Daily Habits Model for Review

Reflect: Each aspect of the model is critical for overall success and maximum effectiveness. While reviewing and considering each, determine which one you need to focus on to develop yourself? Each one of these areas empowers you to function at a high level and live the life you desire, but we advocate that you start with one the first week of the month, focus on that particular area for one week and then move onto the next one. This means using the model for strategic growth in a strategic way so that you’re not overwhelmed with change. Additionally, there isn’t ever a “perfect” day or even a perfect you. Don’t overcomplicate the growth process, rather, find joy and fun in pursuing your greatest self while uncovering what you can truly accomplish. These four areas will help you establish micro-behaviors that will help you create learned habits for success. We heard from Dr. Martin Lanik that growth is incremental and that we need to understand ourselves and our behaviors in order to grow as leaders. This inward focus also eliminates our tendency toward an outcome-only mindset and allows us to embrace the journey.

As a leader, how do you create space within your day to reflect and grow?

How do I learn those skills…

What should I read to continually learn and grow if I want to possess incredible daily habits?

Review: In our #readthisseries we featured the work of authors who embody the daily habits necessary to be an effective leader:

Make Yourself Unforgettable by The Dale Carnegie Training Center

What Got You There won’t Keep You There  by Marshall Goldsmith

The Leader Habit: Master the Skills You Need to Lead-in Just Minutes a Day  by Martin Lanik

You can’t miss our #readthisseries on the daily habits you need to be a class act as the leader of your organization. Watch it again here.

Reflect: Do I have clarity around the daily habits I need to possess so that each day is productive? Of the four areas, which one do I need to start today to be more disciplined and focused? Do I have a routine that will enable me to focus each day on what I want to achieve? Do I possess the desire to rid my daily life of unproductive habits that prevent me from reaching my goals? As a leader, am I setting the right example for those I lead and the the customers we serve?

Great leaders understand the power of making time within their day to create space for proper perspective, to sustain themselves through sound nutrition, and to take time to reflect. This month, reflect on yourself, your leadership team, and your organization to determine if the daily habits are an integral aspect of your organization. Based on the 4-part model, and using a 5-point scale, 1 being ineffective and 5 being highly effective, rate yourself and your team:


Who should I follow…

What does an expert have to say about the daily habits of successful leaders?

Review: For our #onethingseries, we interviewed Dr. Martin Lanik, author of The Leader Habit.

Throughout the interview, Martin emphasized the fact that leaders can deliberately develop successful habits through intentional growth. These habits must be a daily focus, but they also don’t need to be overly time consuming. In fact, Martin developed a 5-minute method. If you find yourself constantly revisiting areas of your life, or your organization, that you want to improve, check out the The Leader Habit.

Reflect: Dr. Lanik’s work demonstrates how growth can be simple but requires a laser focus.

As a leader, how can you build an environment that people desire to develop daily productive habits that yield incredible results?

That’s our #review&reflect for daily habits. Take a look back to take a step forward. 

TheSchoolHouse302 is about getting to simple and maximizing effective research-based strategies that empower individuals to lead better and grow faster.

Please let us know how our leadership posts are working for you, what you are reading to improve yourself, and your thoughts on leadership and growth here on our blog and Twitter. Follow our #onethingseries podcast on iTunes and our #readthisseries on YouTube.

Joe & T.J.

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