Impact Change

positive growth in each and every school

When you book Joe and T.J. to come and speak in your school, district, or association, you are taking a step forward in your growth as a leader and the positive change that you can make in building a culture for better results in your organization. 

Book Joe & T.J.

Tribe Members & Growing

FREE Podcasts & Resources

Impact Real Change at the school and classroom level in your district. 

Our presentations are always fun, engaging, and packed with practical strategies that you can implement right away. We work with schools and districts on the implementation of better feedback systems, recruitment and retention strategies, teacher leadership, building teams, classroom instructional models, and much more. We always customize to meet your needs.

Candid and Compasssionate Feedback

Feedback is the most powerful tool for growth, but it doesn’t work unless we’re candid and compassionate in our delivery. 

We work with schools and districts on feedback models, including walkthrough structures, skill development, shared decision-making, and teacher leadership. Feedback falls into all of these categories and more. Call us and we promise to improve the feedback that you’re giving.

Passionate Leadership

The definition of passionate leadership is a desire to grow, a strong work ethic in getting there, and a positive attitude along the way. 

We work with teams to inspire these traits and to develop the culture that schools need for success. 

Consider our Access + Agency = Equity modules. We provide teachers and leaders with tools to transform relationships at the classroom leve. 

Building a Winning Team

Are you happy with your school or district’s reputation? Could you use a more strategic approach to marketing your vision? 

How about your recruitment and hiring practices? Are you landing the best candidate when you interview? 

Contact us to hear more about how we’re improving the hiring practices in districts across the county. We can’t wait to hear from you.  

The Instructional Imperative 

We’re working with schools and district to create an instructional model that’s research- and evidence-based but also unqiue to your needs. We’ll present 16 high leverage strategies and work with your team to narrow that down to a useful lesson planning tool. 

Complete with a deliverable from us, you’ll be amazed at the difference our sessions make in student engagement and teacher satisfaction. 

This program is best served as a 2-day workshop for an entire teaching staff, but we can deliver it in any format that works for you. 

Customize Your PD Day

We offer tons of professional learning experiences at every level, more than we can list here. And we build our presentations to match your needs. We can handle anything from keynotes to multiple day retreats to virtual coaching. Let us know how we can serve your needs. 

Some of Our Most Popular Presentations and Seminars

Passionate Leadership Presentation:

Developing Teacher Leaders Presentation: 

The Instructional Leadership Imperative Presentation: 

Passionate Leadership Presentation:

Book us to speak at your next event!

Keynotes, 1- & 2-Day Institutes, Book Talks, & Principal Induction Programs...let us know what your leaders need today.


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