Review And Reflect: Excellence Hacks Every Educator Should Use — #ReviewAndReflect

by | Jan 3, 2021 | 0 comments

3 min read

4 Hacks to Unleash Your Very Best Work

Review: Review the four hacks and reflect on how well you use them. Let’s use feedback as an example. In what areas of your professional life did you receive feedback? If you are not receiving feedback, ask for it. Your own impression of your work and performance will not make you better. While we always strive to be reflective practitioners, cognitive scientists remind us that reflecting on our work when we’re doing it is near impossible for the brain. 

Reflect: Identify key areas of your life where you would like to receive feedback more often. These areas can vary from how you are generally viewed by others to your actual performance on a specific task at work. See below for a few feedback prompts:

  1. Do I honor commitments?
  2. Am I reliable?
  3. Do I show up to meetings on time? Even on Zoom.
  4. How effectively do I run our meetings?

Ask these prompts to a trusted colleague and give them a scale to use (1-10). When they respond, ask for evidence and one thing that you can do better/differently. Then put that item into practice. That’s how we grow faster than we would without feedback. 

Three Books to Read 

Atomic Habits by James Clear

10 Mindframes for Leaders by John Hattie and Raymond Smith

The Mindful School Leader by Valerie Brown and Kirsten Olson

Review: Based on the brief summarization of these books from our #readthisseries, which one are you starting to read this week? Let us know at @TSH302 on Twitter or send us a quick email @

Reflect: All three of these books delve into our behaviors and mindsets; what is one behavior that you are working on to improve or change? Try to think at the micro-level. 

OneThingSeries Podcast

Mindfulness is the capacity to have compassion for ourselves as leaders and to carry that compassion into the world for others. ~ Valerie Brown & Kirsten Olson

Reflect: What is one major takeaway from the podcast that you can implement right now in your day or life? 

Review: in which areas of your life do you need to be more mindful? This doesn’t have to be complicated, just something that needs more attention–something that may be on autopilot that you can notice more often throughout your day.

That’s our #ReviewAndReflect for this month, all on the topic of excellence. We can’t wait to hear from you. 

Joe & T.J.

PS — We’re getting ready to start our first ever Assistant Principal Mastermind. If you’re an assistant principal, and you want to lead better and grow faster, contact us at so that we can put your name on the list (almost full). 

PPS — Did you know that we’re running our first ever Masterclass on Candid and Compassionate Feedback. Starting in January, you can join us for five sessions on the leadership pitfalls of candor and how to solve them. If you’ve ever had a feedback conversation go wrong, you know how bad that feels. We’ve identified 9 problems and their solutions. Find out more here


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Invest in Your Best: 9 Strategies to Grow, Support, and Celebrate Your Most Valuable Teachers
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