Review And Reflect: Overcoming Obstacles w/ Nick Hoover — #ReviewAndReflect

by | Oct 4, 2020 | 0 comments

1 min read

This is TheSchoolHouse302’s monthly #reviewandreflect, wrapping up our focus on moving from where you are and where you want to be. This month we introduced the concept of the H-Gap and how it can transform your practices to lead more effectively and achieve key goals within your classroom, school, and district.

Our review and reflect series embraces the powerful sentiment from Soren Kierkegaard: “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” 

This month we are excited to feature Nick Hoover, Principal of Meredith Middle School, as he digs into our latest content on

Nick provides great insight into how he uses the H-Gap to reduce the detractors that limit or thwart his success. 

  1. Don’t miss what he says about analyzing the things that we have to stop doing if we want to be successful. 
  2. Listen to how Nick organizes reading into his life and what he took from two of the three books we recommended this month.
  3. Nick reflected on our #onethingseries podcast with Catlin Tucker. Don’t miss our conversation about perfection versus progress, particularly on the topic of blended learning. 

The Hindrance Gap (H-Gap)

We can’t wait to hear from you. 

Joe & T.J.


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