#onethingseries: Employee Engagement w/ Mark C. Crowley, @MarkCCrowley

by | Sep 8, 2019 | 0 comments

3 min read


Don’t miss this leadership podcast with Mark Crowley.

Mark C. Crowley spent over 25 years in the dog-eat-dog world of financial services, an environment known for its heartlessness and “take no prisoners” attitude. Twice, he held national-level responsibilities – most recently as Senior Vice President-National Sales Manager for Investment Products at one of America’s largest financial institutions, where he was named “Leader of the Year.” After much success, Mark decided to leave the financial services world and devote himself to fully answering the question:

What happens inside of people that makes them fully committed to doing extraordinary work?”

His research led to the publication of his first book, Lead From The Heart, which we believe has a very powerful message.

Recognized globally as a workplace thought-leader, Mark is a regular leadership contributor to Fast Company Magazine and has been published in the Seattle Times, The Huffington Post, Reuters, CEO Magazine Great Britain, USA Today, and by the Great Place To Work Institute. He has interviewed CEOs and senior executives at innumerable high-performing companies (including Google, SAS, Gallup and the Cleveland Clinic) who are models for “managing the emotional side of work.” And his profound conclusion draws on new scientific research which shows that the human heart is a source of remarkable intelligence:

What people feel in their hearts has tremendous influence over their motivation and performance in the workplace. “The heart is the driving force of human achievement.”

His interview with TheSchoolHouse302 is enlightening as it challenges many conventional ideas about leadership. He provides practical ways for leaders to  effectively manage through care and high expectations for great employee engagement at work.

TheSchoolHouse302 · One Thing Series: Employee Engagement w/ Mark C. Crowley
  • Listen to Mark debunk the fears of “soft management” and how tactics like fear and intimidation simply don’t work effectively.
  • Mark talked about psychological safety and the importance of honoring people for who they are and how he follows the work of Harvard Professor, Amy Edmondsons.
  • He also discussed the power of “thank you.” Don’t miss what he says.
  • You definitely want to hear his thoughts on why we resist change when we know things aren’t working.
  • We were thrilled to hear him talk about the power of “knowing thyself.”
  • You have to hear how his thoughts on how people should lead and the wisdom he acquired over his years leading others.

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Joe & T.J.


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