Kind Words from Others
Check out the kinds words below from some of our listeners and supporters of TheSchoolHouse302. We are always appreciative of your positive comments, and we share them here. Let us know how we are doing! Drop us your own feedback on our contact page.
This was one of the most comprehensive principal induction programs I have had the pleasure of participating in. One main reason is its uniqueness in that Drs. Vari and Jones prefaced it weekly with a FOCUSED session, designed to have us meet leading authors in the leadership & administration field. The questions posed to these authors illuminated their work, clarified some wonderings, extended our thinking, shed light on applicability, and were overall questions that we would have read and not had an opportunity to ask.
I recalled an author who wrote of ways in which teacher burnout could be avoided, being asked during the session, “What happens when teachers understand cognitively but are impacted by an emotional block?” This question was appreciated because that emotional aspect is what school leaders need to be able to support a gamut and variety of teachers; hence the value of the FOCUSED sessions in which authors can be questioned.
Aside from demonstrating how school leaders should operationalize and make each PSEL standard actionable, Drs, Vari, and Jones merged theory with practice. In their discussions of PSEL, they linked leadership to student achievement and ultimately overall school improvement. Having been school leaders, they could relate and share practical applications.
One of my favorite practical sessions was when they demonstrated how the use of extra curriculum activities was aligned with overall school improvement. This was affirming for me because this is a practice I had put in place and achieved phenomenal results. To hear them promoting this practice was just wonderful.
This has been a rewarding experience that has not only added to my ‘scholarly bucket’ but increased my library, as they gave away books at each FOCUSED session. I was able to share these books with colleagues both at the school and also referred them to the Dean at the college where I also work. I am thankful that although induction has ended, Drs. Vari and Jones are still available to us via the schoolhouse302. It has been a pleasure. Thanks for the opportunity to share my reflection.
Thank you all for all your work on this induction program. No amount of schooling prepares one for the daily surprises your first year as an administrator, but knowing people to call for help/advice during this first year has made the year surprisingly manageable. The sharing of our stories helped me realize that we all have challenging students and adults in our lives. Focusing on what is best for students allows us to make decisions that may seem unpopular but can be defended at the very least and accepted or even championed at best.
Thank you again for making the topics come alive with your stories. That certainly made the commute worthwhile.
“TheSchoolHouse302 is a unique blog on education and leadership best practices. The authors’ prolific writing on critically important topics is clear, practical, and purposeful. Joe and TJ have incredibly successful school and district office experience, which they are able to translate into relevant and useful strategies that ultimately benefit our students.
I look forward to reading each #SH302 post!”
~Dr. Steven Godowsky, former Secretary of Education in Delaware
“These guys at the TheSchoolhouse302 are the real deal! TJ and Joe are teaching us to be honest and candid as leaders. They have the technical expertise to connect with their audiences and their presentations are powerful. They not only show us what to do to be more effective teachers and leaders, but how and why, with real data! I have personally used their materials in my presentations around the country and we are now working together on a number of projects. If you want to start an education revolution in your district or organization, you should be calling TheSchoolhouse302 right now!”
~Salome Thomas-EL, Award Winning Principal, National Speaker, and Author of The Immortality of Influence and I Choose to Stay
Principal-EL, Joe Jones, & T.J. Vari (left to right)
“TheSchoolhouse302 is an excellent addition to my professional learning network and bank of resources. As a district leader who supports principals, I find the blog posts to be insightful, relevant, and timely. They provide a quick resource that can be shared or highlighted with my principals. I have attended professional development and sponsored professional development facilitated by Joe and T.J. Their approach of using models to capture concepts truly helps make the complex simpler. Their sessions are engaging and enlightening!”
~Dr. Amy M. Grundy, Director of Elementary School Operations at Red Clay Consolidated School District