Disrupt the Status Quo: EmbraceYour Inner Rebel Educator for Greater Student Success with Tanya Sheckley

by | Dec 21, 2022 | 0 comments

4 min read

About Tanya Sheckley

Tanya Sheckley is the Founder and President of UP Academy, an elementary lab school that values innovation, empathy, and strength and incorporates a unique neuro-development program for children with physical disabilities. Tanya’s vision and mission show it’s possible to celebrate differences, challenge what’s broken in the American education system and that all children can receive a rigorous, well-rounded education. 

She is an edupreneur, author of Rebel Educator: Create Classrooms of Imagination and Impact, and host of the Rebel Educator podcast. She speaks frequently on the future of education and entrepreneurship. She is a rebel educator who works with new and existing schools to question the status quo and develop innovative student experiences through inclusion and project-based learning.


What You’ll Find in this Podcast Episode with Tanya Sheckley

From selling beer to educating children. Don’t miss Tanya’s journey to creating UP Academy. 

She opens up about her daughter’s education and her search for “other ways” of educating students with disabilities. 

We all have the one lesson that stands out in our own education, her diorama project sounds amazing!

Her journey in the creation of a school is inspiring. Tanya knew they had to forego many of the policies and procedures and focus on the family and child. A strictly student-centered experience. 

Tanya talks about shifts that schools need to make to revolutionize how we deliver education, especially to students with disabilities. 

A “rebel educator” pushes the status quo and asks questions like, why are we doing this? Who is getting the advantage, and is there a better way?

Don’t miss her juxtaposition of homework and creative play. 

Leading change is never easy and she tells us to start small with “activators.” And then others will become interested. 


Tanya looks to a women’s founders group on Facebook that has great questions for entrepreneurs. T.J. recalls the foundational stories that we curated for 7 Mindshifts for School Leaders

She recommends walking and running in the morning as a way to make sure that our minds don’t get sluggish. Move! 

Tanya wants to learn how to play the piano. So many of our guests care about the arts. 

Looking for a coach? She jokes that TheSchoolHouse302 is a great place to go! We appreciate that and you’ll want to hear what she says about coaching and how to find one. 

Listen to her change of heart about children, especially working with them. 


Books We Recommend Based on this Podcast with Tanya Sheckley 

Rebel Educator: Create Classrooms Where Impact and Imagination Meet by Tanya Sheckley



Let us know if there’s a guest who you want us to have on the show by leaving a comment below or by contacting us at contact@theschoolhouse302.com. And don’t miss our leadership content updates every week by subscribing on the site. 

We can’t wait to hear from you. 


Joe & T.J.


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