Season 3, Episode 9 of FocusED with Joshua Stamper #FocusED

by | Mar 25, 2022 | 0 comments

5 min read

This is Season 3, Episode 9 of FocusED, and it features our guest, Joshua Stamper. It was originally recorded live for a studio audience in Delaware, provided as a professional development experience for Delaware teachers and leaders. Don’t miss what Joshua has to say about aspiring leadership, leadership development, and so much more. 


Joshua Stamper Brings Tons of Experience to FocusED Listeners

Joshua Stamper initially used his artistic talent, creativity, and original ideas as a professional graphic designer. He then transitioned to inspiring students to use their imagination and creative expression in public education. Being unsuccessful as a student growing up, Joshua never expected to be back in the classroom as a teacher, athletic coach, or administrator. His struggles as a student spawned a passion to change the education model, push the boundaries of traditional learning, and explore new innovative ideas. Joshua has been a middle school Assistant Principal in North Texas for the past eight years, where he’s served at four campuses in two school districts.

In addition to his current administrative position, Joshua is the host of Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast, leadership coach, education presenter, and Podcast Network Manager for the Teach Better Team. He’s also the author of the 2021 book, ASPIRE to Lead. Joshua lives in the Dallas, TX area with his wife and five children. You can stay connected by following @Joshua__Stamper on Twitter and Instagram, or by visiting his website


FocusED Show Notes with Joshua Stamper 

Josh talked about how leads often obtain knowledge but then rarely do anything with it to grow and change. The “activate” part of self-development is the use of knowledge in practice, especially for leaders who want to move up to the next level. 

Josha talks about how it goes a long way to be able to explain experiences as a leader when interviewing for positions versus just explaining what you might do. 

Josh tells aspiring leaders to seek support wherever you can, even if it’s not on your campus. 

There’s no winning or losing, only learning. ~ Joshua Stamper 

The model came to Josh because he was tasked with building an aspiring leaders program in his district. In his work with aspiring leaders, he was inspired to help others and write the book to add value as a resource in education. 

Josh is working on supplemental material for the book so that readers get more stories and more depth into their journey as an aspiring leader. 

Josh recommended The Ten Minute Principal by Evan Rob and Thrive Through the Five by Jill Siler.

He mentioned the Teach Better Team. Check them out. 

Josh leans heavy into Voxer groups to stay connected with others. 

We talked about the fact that the greatest leaders of all time are always aspiring. Josh talked about simply wanting to make an impact and help education in as many ways as he can. 

Josh talked about a future topic in education, maybe a book called The Necessary Evolution of Education in America. Can’t wait for him (or someone) to write it. 

Thanks for listening to FocusED, an educational leadership podcast brought to you by TheSchoolHouse302 @ where we publish free leadership content. Go to the site, subscribe, and you’ll get all of our content sent directly to your email. 


FocusED is your educational leadership podcast where our mission is to dissect a particular focus for teachers and school leaders so that you can learn to lead better and grow faster in your school or district with more knowledge, better understanding, and clear direction on what to do next.

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