Two Books For School Leaders Who Want To Become Their Best Self, Leading Better and Growing Faster with Joe and T.J.

by | Mar 13, 2023 | 0 comments

3 min read

Joe and T.J. Recommend that School Leaders Read Harvard Business Review’s On Mental Toughness and Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

In this episode, you’ll hear key points made by both T.J. and Joe about two books every school leader should read to mind their mental map to the future.

T.J. immediately underscores that On Mental Toughness has a bonus article with Martin Seligman. Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman is the Director of the University of Pennsylvania Positive Psychology Center.

You also don’t want to miss the critical points he makes on mental toughness and the value of perseverance.

Joe shares one of his favorite books because of the power of the success principles featured in it, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. Spend a life pursuing them, and you will grow as a person and a leader. 

In each episode, Joe and T.J. leave a tip to lead better and grow faster. This month’s reading tip is to build in time to reflect on what you’ve read. This is easy to do, but so often, we just move on without reflecting on how we might apply the information in the books we read. Knowledge without application serves no one and won’t make you any better than you were before you started reading. 

The Leading Better & Growing Faster with Joe & T.J. Show

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We can’t wait to hear from you. 


Joe & T.J.



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