Ryan Hawk: Being Able to Change Your Mind is a Super Power #OneThingSeries

by | Jul 26, 2022 | 0 comments

4 min read
Leaders have to regularly do hard things. ~ Ryan Hawk  


About Ryan Hawk 

Ryan Hawk is the host of The Learning Leader Show. He has recorded more than 475 episodes over the past 7 years. Forbes called The Learning Leader Show, “the most dynamic leadership podcast around.” Inc Magazine said, “it’s one of the 5 podcasts to make you a smarter leader.” Apple named it an “all-time best seller” in 2020 and 2021.

Ryan is the author of Welcome to Management: How To Grow From Top Performer To Excellent Leader.  Book Authority named it to its 100 Best Management Audiobooks of all time (#25). Forbes called it, “the best leadership book of 2020.” Ryan’s second book is called The Pursuit of Excellence: The Uncommon Behaviors of The World’s Most Productive Achievers. It sold through its first printing in eight hours and shot to the top of the Amazon rankings.

Previously, Ryan worked in corporate America for 12 years. He started as an entry-level telephonic sales rep and worked his way to manager, director, and ultimately VP of sales for a multi-billion-dollar company.

When he’s not recording podcasts or writing books, he tries to help leaders be more effective. Some of the ways that he does that is through Leadership Circles, 1:1 advising, and teaching in The Learning Leader Academy (the online school that he created). Ryan has delivered hundreds of keynote speeches on leadership and performance excellence all over the world.



What You’ll Find in this Podcast Episode with Ryan Hawk

Ryan mentions tremendous leaders and their ability to change their mind. Don’t miss what he says about being hard on values but soft on beliefs. 

Check out what Ryan says when Joe talks about humility versus confidence. 

Ryan has interviewed tremendous individuals on his Learning Leader Podcast, listen to his Jim Collins reference from Episode 216.

Thoughtful Intentions: find out what kitchen cabinets have to do with leadership and who you surround yourself with.

Ryan says to pick your mentors based on someone who did something that you admire and that they did it in a way that you admire. Don’t miss what he says about specificity.  

Ryan talked about his parents and upbringing. Listen to how they were influential in terms of their work ethic. 

Listen to what Ryan says about showing up and doing the work without balance to achieve success early and in the long run. 

You want to hear how Ryan thinks about seasons, both in life and the year. 

You don’t want to miss why Ryan wants to be home at 3:00PM each day and what he’ll do to make that happen.

How he picks his guests for his podcasts is very intriguing and speaks to how he thinks and learns as a leader. 

We loved what he says about living at the edge of your current zone of competency. Stretching yourself is critical as a leader. Ask this: Am I going to learn from this? 

Cambridge, Massachusetts, home to many mental giants. You’ll want to tune into the simplicity in his answer about imposter syndrome. 

Ryan has evolved his thoughts about leadership styles and the meaning of being a leader. 



Books We Recommend Based on this Podcast with Ryan Hawk 

The Pursuit of Excellence by Ryan Hawk 

Welcome to Management by Ryan Hawk

Good to Great by Jim Collins 


Let us know if there’s a guest who you want us to have on the show by leaving a comment below or by contacting us at contact@theschoolhouse302.com. And don’t miss our leadership content updates every week by subscribing on the site. 


We can’t wait to hear from you. 

Joe & T.J.


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