When we start a new initiative in schools, we have to take into account the rich tapestry of things that are already in place. ~ Nathan Maynard
About Nathan Maynard
Nathan Maynard is a youth advocate, educational leader, and change maker. He is the co-author of the Washington Post bestselling and award-winning book, Hacking School Discipline: 9 Ways to Create a Culture of Empathy and Responsibility Using Restorative Justice.
Nathan also is the co-founder of BehaviorFlip, the first restorative behavior management software. Nathan studied Behavioral Neuroscience at Purdue University and has been facilitating restorative practices for over 15 years. He was awarded “Youth Worker of the Year” through dedicating his time with helping underserved and underprivileged youth involved with the juvenile justice system in Indiana. He was on the founding administration team that opened Purdue University’s first high school in 2017, Purdue Polytechnic High School, serving youth in inner city Indianapolis, Indiana. Prior to his four years as a school administrator, he was a youth worker and program director in a youth residential treatment care center.
He is passionate about addressing the school-to-prison pipeline crisis and closing the achievement gap through implementing trauma-informed behavioral practices. Nathan has expertise in Dialectical Behavioral Coaching, Motivational Interviewing, Positive Youth Development, Restorative Justice, and Trauma-Informed building practices to assist with creating positive school climates. He now runs a team of people who do restorative implementation work, called the Restorative Group. Check them out at restorativegroup.org.
What You’ll Find in this Podcast Episode with Nathan Maynard
Nathan starts the podcast with a strong stance on how systems and structures are necessary for innovation to last, particularly those on restorative practices.
Nathan gives us a quick history lesson on how restorative practices are tied to indigenous roots.
One pillar of innovation is listening. Nathan talked about using qualitative data in addition to quantitative data, particularly within micro-communities.
Nathan mentions Dr. Luke Roberts from Cambridge and his powerful work within systems.
Don’t miss what Nathan says about internalizing change and attacking fixed disposition. He truly appreciates The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.
Nathan’s insight about the ripple effect of innovation and restorative justice is transformative.
Nathan talks about what makes a good leader great. He refers back to Dr. Luke Roberts a second time. The story that Nathan tells about how Dr. Roberts changed his mind regarding restorative practices is great. Very impressive.
He recommends being more self-aware and being conscious of your self-talk. His personal strategies are great tools for every leader. You need a bowl with water and ice…listen why.
Nathan talked about getting better at collecting “street data.” Check out Street Data by Shane Safir and Jamila Dugan
He learns by listening, interviews, being involved in groups, and honoring others’ ideas. This part is inspiring.
“Success doesn’t have to be tangible.” Nathan used to think that it was all about the external data. He switches that point-of-view to an internal notion of success. Listen to what he says about making success intangible.
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