Season 3, Episode 3 of FocusED with Jethro Jones

by | Feb 9, 2022 | 0 comments

5 min read

This is Season 3, Episode 3 of FocusED, and it features our guest, Jethro Jones. It was originally recorded live for a studio audience in Delaware, provided as a professional development experience for Delaware teachers and leaders. Don’t miss what Jethro has to say about students learning faster, better, and more. 


Jethro Jones Brings Tons of Experience to FocusED Listeners

Jethro Jones is the 2017 NASSP Digital Principal of the Year, former principal, and current host of the Transformative Principal podcast. He is also the founder of The Center for Cyberethics, an independent, non-partisan educational institute dedicated to the study and promotion of cyberethics. 

Jethro is the author of the book, SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves! He currently helps principals, schools, and districts find simple solutions to complex problems. Jethro has worked as a principal at all K-12 levels, and he has served the profession in several roles, including his work in a prison school, as a district coach, as the distance learning team lead, and as an English teacher.


Show Notes: FocusED with Jethro Jones

Jethro’s leadership hierarchy: 

Warm body–it sucks but sometimes you just need someone in the role

Manager–takes care of process and programs 

Leader–has a vision for the school 

Designer–someone who is designing the environment and adapts the school to meet the needs of the community as groups change over time

Becoming a designer is likely getting fit; you don’t do it all at once. ~ Jethro Jones 

Jethro: “The best way to develop empathy is to experience what others are going through.” Jethro suggests shadowing a student in your school to see what their day is like. 

Jethro says that teacher feedback and improving instruction is about working with each individual teacher and not making bold statements to everyone because of one thing you say in a single classroom. 

Jethro mentions Atomic Habits by James Clear, he talks about what Amy Fast did in her school to find out about the student experience, and he recommended a book called The Coaching Habit by Michael Stanier. 

Jethro brings up The Conscience Code by Richard Shell, which was an awesome connection because we just interviewed Richard on our OneThingSeries. 

Jethro’s goal is to impact 100 million students’ lives by supporting principals in schools. His next book will uncover the secrets that he has learned in over 450 podcast interviews with school leaders. 

Don’t miss his work at

The next step for a great leader, as Jethro explained, is to ask people how they can contribute to the vision.


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FocusED is your educational leadership podcast where our mission is to dissect a particular focus for teachers and school leaders so that you can learn to lead better and grow faster in your school or district with more knowledge, better understanding, and clear direction on what to do next.

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