How to Finish the School Year as a Peak Performing School Leader with Director of Technology, Amber Teamann

by | May 17, 2021 | 0 comments

4 min read

Amber Teamann serves as the Director of Technology for Crandall ISD, a fast-growing district outside of Dallas, Texas. During her educational career, Amber’s comprehensive understanding of student learning has resulted in a successful blend of technology and leading. Through her campus and district level leadership, she has helped initiate instructional change district-wide, empowering teachers at all levels. 

Amber knows that we can all be better together and strives to make every day the very best it can be for each member of her staff and students. As an award-winning administrator, she has been a featured speaker in multiple states helping motivate, encourage, and help develop the capacity of teachers and leaders nationwide. Recognizing the power of social media, working with districts and campuses on finding their voice, and leveraging the power of connected educators has led her down a path she completely owes to the power of a professional learning network.

Key Thoughts from Our Interview with Amber Teamann:

Amber wastes no time diving into key strategies to stay connected with teachers and remain sensitive to the time of year and all the stresses associated with wrapping up this school year. Her wisdom will guide any listener who is looking to finish the school year strong and who wants to be mindful of the various activities that could easily send the wrong message. 

  • Listen to how Amber continually recognizes that the classroom is the most important space in every school.
  • Amber reminds us that we always have to remember that as leaders our position precedes us as people–it is our responsibility to maintain the same level of energy and enthusiasm throughout the entire year.
  • Don’t miss Amber’s third key strategy, which is focused on how not to overwhelm our staff.
  • Amber identified Angela Watson as her go-to resource for herself and her teachers.
  • There is no doubt that Amber is techie, but you don’t want to overlook her sage advice on setting boundaries with social media.
  • One of her professional goals will resonate with any district leader who is really striving to make an impact through service. 
  • Throughout this interview, Amber displayed a level of insight and wisdom. You can’t miss her testimony on how she learned the power in identifying what she doesn’t know.
  • Amber puts an end to this wonderful conversation by amplifying the concept that the smartest person in the room is the room itself.  
  • Lastly, we highly recommend her book Lead with Appreciation: Fostering a Culture of Gratitude. Stay tuned for our review on our ReadThisSeries.

Amber’s interview is filled with very specific strategies to end the year in a supportive and encouraging way, coupled with high expectations. We are grateful that she discussed her experience as a principal and those early lessons she learned that taught her how to effectively lead. It was an awesome follow-up to our latest blogpost on effective educational leadership and how to finish the school year strong.

We hope to hear from you about your favorite parts of both the blog and the interview. Please comment below. 

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