Crossing the Classroom Innovation Divide with Corwin Best Selling Author Jenny Magiera, Global Head of Education Impact at Google

by | Apr 26, 2021 | 0 comments

3 min read

Learn More About Jennie Magiera, Head of Education at Google

Jennie Magiera is the Global Head of Education Impact at Google, bestselling author of Courageous Edventures, and the founder and president of the non-profit Our Voice Alliance (whose mission is to elevate marginalized voices and perspectives to improve equity and empathy in education). Previously, she was the Chief Innovation Officer for CCSD62, the Digital Learning Coordinator for the Academy for Urban School Leadership, and a Chicago Public Schools teacher. A White House Champion for Change, Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Certified Innovator, and TEDx Speaker, Jennie works to improve education globally. 

She is also passionate about transforming professional learning, having served on the Technical Working Group for the US Department of Education’s National Educational Technology Plan, co-founding PLAYDATE and other conferences. You can follow Jennie on Twitter at @MsMagiera and pick up her book on Amazon.

Key Thoughts from Our Interview with Jennie Magiera

  • Understanding the Diffusion of Innovation Curve and how it applies to people and their adoption of innovation is profound for educational leaders who are transforming classrooms into innovation hubs. Don’t miss our discussion about Crossing the Chasm
  • You have to hear how Jennie shifted her approach as an instructional coach to enable people to see how technology can radically improve student achievement and solve their unique problems as teachers.
  • Her insight into how educators define and see themselves provides an excellent window into why change can be so difficult.
  • Listen to how she is “double clicking” on the humanity of change and who she would love to have pizza with.
  • Her time blocking suggestion is powerful for go-getters who are looking for more space in their day.
  • You can’t miss why she wants to learn Korean.
  • She articulates how she accomplishes an enormous amount in a day, yet also knows when enough has been done. 
  • Don’t miss Jennie’s protractor story and how she describes that technology is a tool, only to be used for the right reasons.

One Thing Series Summary

Jennie’s interview is a powerful blend of technology and human performance. She eloquently describes that a people-first mentality is needed to successfully lead an innovation revolution in our schools. We are grateful that she discussed how she was not always an innovator but sought disruption to improve the student experience.

We hope to hear from you about your favorite parts of both the blog and the interview. Please comment below. Follow, like, and share.

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