Don’t miss this vblog on YouTube or catch our Read This segment of our One Thing Series podcast–books you need to read to lead better and grow faster.
Featured Author: Baruti Kafele
Featured Book: Is My School Better BECAUSE I Lead It?
Here’s Why Every Principal Should Read This ASCD Book by Principal Kafele:
- The title alone deserves an answer. We believe everyone in an educational leadership position should answer this question and take time to reflect on whether or not they are making a positive impact. It speaks to our latest blog on service- and servant-leadership.
- Similar to other Principal Kafele books, he starts with the power of questions. If you read this book through the lens of self-development, not only will you understand yourself better, you’ll also continue on the great and challenging journey of leadership growth.
- Principal Kafele is comfortable with the uncomfortable. As humans, we don’t always like to confront the brutal reality, but growth occurs in the space where we willingly uncover our areas of weakness. A must read.
Buy Is My School A Better School BECAUSE I Lead It? on Amazon
Don’t miss our One Thing Series podcast interview with Baruti Kafele where we dive into the servant leadership, social justice, and so much more.
Let us know what you’re reading by contacting us at
We can’t wait to hear from you.
PS — If you have a topic you want us to cover or need recommendations on books to read in a particular area of leadership, just send us a tweet or an email.
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