Leading Change with Dr. Douglas Reeves

by | Nov 29, 2020 | 0 comments

4 min read
TheSchoolHouse302 · One Thing Series: Leading Change Throughout the Pandemic with Douglas Reeves -- #onethingseries

About Douglas Reeves

Douglas Reeves is the founder of Creative Leadership Solutions, a non-profit with the mission to improve educational opportunities for students throughout the world using creative solutions for leadership, policy, teaching, and learning. Dr. Reeves is also the founder of DouglasReeves.com, ChangeLeaders.com, and has created a non-profit called FinishTheDissertation.org, which helps doctoral students finish their dissertations via phone, Skype, or personal conferences.

Dr. Reeves has worked with education, business, nonprofit, and government organizations throughout the world. The author of more than 30 books and more than 80 articles on leadership and organizational effectiveness, he has twice been named to the Harvard University Distinguished Authors Series and was named the Brock International Laureate for his contributions to education. Dr. Reeves received both the Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of Secondary School Principals and the Parent’s Choice Award for his writing for children and parents. His career of work in professional learning led to the Contribution to the Field Award from the National Staff Development Council. For his international work, Dr. Reeves was named the William Walker Scholar by the Australian Council of Educational Leaders.

Key Thoughts from Our Interview with Douglas Reeves 

  • Dr. Reeve’s urgent call-to-action regarding what will be a national crisis is compelling. Listen to the three things we can do today as educational leaders. His description of “the buy-in myth” will change how you think about initiating and sustaining change.

  • Amid all that’s going on and the need to connect students for the sake of learning, Dr. Reeves explains how there is no substitute for relationships in schools. “The most underused technology is the telephone.”

  • Don’t miss what Dr. Reeves is doing to model more effectively and what he is currently learning. He recommends The Marshall Memo and Zotero.com.

  • Find out what Dr. Reeves considers to be a “prescription for a petrified brain” and consider picking up his latest book recommendation, Upswing.

Dr. Reeve’s interview is jammed with practical ideas that can be implemented in any school system. He attacks issues with candor in this captivating interview that demonstrates the power of action during this crisis. It was a wonderful follow-up to our latest blogpost on lessons learned during the pandemic and the three books we recommend this month at dereka206.sg-host.com.

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Joe & T.J.


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