3 Books You Need to Read to Grow Mentally Stronger — #readthisseries

by | Apr 19, 2020 | 0 comments

3 min read

For the second time ever, we’re posting a written #readthisseries. We’re practicing social distancing so we didn’t get together to film. It’s a serious time for all of us, and we pray for our nation and everyone around the globe. As we follow and abide by recommended health practices, it’s an opportune time to read. Below you will discover our book recommendations on the topic of mental strength–something we’re covering all month long. It’s moments like this, when we are facing a true emergency, that we need to be at our best. 

Our first recommendation is Working With Difficult People by Amy Cooper Hakim. This book is perfect. Considering that much of our work at a distance these days requires us to connect with one another in new ways, but it’s tough. This book provides great strategies for handling people “without losing your mind.” You can buy it here.

Our second recommendation is an incredible book by the great Dale Carnegie. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living is a game changer. Carnegie has left us with riches in the form of words. What we love about this book is that it tackles the complex topic of worry. Read this book to gain perspective and to learn to live in “day tight compartments.”

Our final recommendation is Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman. This book is our Mac-Daddy. Dr. Seligman is the father of positive psychology, and we are big fans of his work. What we think you will love most about this book is the techniques he provides for changing your own mind–an absolute must read for leaders! 

A Reader’s Tip: If you find it hard to build time into your busy day, especially if you’re working from home with new demands, schedule it. Growing as a leader is intentional. To do so, you need to work at it. Reading is just one strategy, but like anything else worth doing, it takes time. If you’re not finding the time to read, be purposeful with fitting it into your day by placing a hold on your calendar. 

If you’re at home because of social distancing, use some of this time to read. Let us know what you think of these three books or just give us a shout about what you’re reading to learn to lead better and grow faster. 

Last thing, the first person to contact us via Twitter, using #readthisseries, will receive a copy of Passionate Leadership. All you have to do is tweet, “I am a passionate leader” and we’ll send you a copy. 
Joe & T.J.


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